
Citizens of Al-Rahad hold an emergency meeting to protect families.

Al-Rahad - moatinoon

The residents of Al-Rahad, Abudokna, held an emergency meeting with the aim of protecting families, properties, and institutions, in order to deter and prevent acts of burglary and looting against citizens belongings. The meeting was attended by the deputy Nazir Local tribal leader and a large number of citizens. They discussed the security situation in the surrounding area and activated the role of neighborhood committees to safeguard the security of citizens and their properties. The key outcomes of the meeting were:

Maintaining the existing neighborhood committees.
Forming a high-level committee composed of representatives and delegates from the neighborhoods to undertake legal, technical, and financial support.

There will be another meeting in the upcoming hours with mayors, elders, and local leaders to establish the Supreme Court and address other pending matters.

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