
Available Medical Treatment Centers in Nyala

Nyala - moatinoon
Nyala Teaching Hospital provides services at approximately 90% capacity in all departments, including specialized clinics for women and childbirth, internal medicine, surgery, and pediatrics.

South Unity Hospital accepts referred cases in specialties such as internal medicine, women and childbirth, surgery, and pediatrics, as well as performing surgeries. The hospital operates on a shift system and responds to any emergencies related to cesarean sections.

Nyala Specialized Hospital specializes in urology and orthopedic surgery.

Kidney Dialysis Center.

Sudanese-Turkish Hospital.

Wali District Health Center, South Nyala.

West Unity Health Center, South Nyala.

Musa Health Center, South Nyala.

Tayba Health Center, Nyala Municipality.

Majok Health Center, Nyala Municipality.

Intifadah Health Center, North Nyala.

Dereij Health Center, North Nyala.

The health centers operate on a shift system from morning until noon prayer (Dhuhr)

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