
49 cases of sexual assault against women since the outbreak of the conflict

The number of cases of sexual violence against women has risen to 49 since the outbreak of the clashes between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces. The Women and Child Violence Unit stated that reports indicate 25 cases of sexual violence in Darfur against women and girls ranging in age from 14 to 56. According to the unit, survivors reported that the perpetrators were wearing uniforms of the Rapid Support Forces and using vehicles bearing their insignia.

The unit documented 24 cases of sexual assault in the capital city of Khartoum since the outbreak of the clashes. It stated that 18 cases occurred in areas under the control of the Rapid Support Forces and in areas where their bases are deployed. Additionally, three cases were committed by armed looting gangs according to eyewitness testimonies provided to the unit, and three other cases where the perpetrators have not been identified.

The unit expressed serious concern about reports of collective sexual assaults and kidnapping incidents in peripheral neighborhoods of Khartoum.

The No to Womens Oppression initiative condemned the violations against women and girls in an earlier statement. It stated that the documented reports of rape, violation of the sanctity of homes, killings, intimidation, theft, and looting are just a small part of the crimes that have happened and are still happening in Khartoum during this senseless war. The initiative considered this to be an expected development and behavior that is not surprising from the warring factions.

The Hadreen organization denounced the heinous practices that undermine the dignity of women, stating that they cannot be silenced alongside other violations, which are not surprising coming from members of the Rapid Support Forces militia. Hakadrin had previously documented similar violations in its report The Price of Transition after the storming of Khartoum following the 2019 massacre of the sit-in.

Hadreen called on the international community to monitor these violations and work to stop them immediately through all means and channels, especially since some confirmed incidents occurred after the signing of the so-called Jeddah Declaration Commitment to Protect Civilians between the Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces.

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