
Sudan Journalists Union: Increase in Targeting Journalists

The Sudanese Journalists Union stated that it has observed an increase in the rates of raiding journalists homes in various residential neighborhoods in Khartoum by the Rapid Support Forces, as part of the escalating and fierce campaign against them in Sudan since the outbreak of the April 15th war.

The Union confirmed that it has documented previous attacks by the Rapid Support Forces on journalists, both male and female, as well as public and private institutions. However, these assaults have not only continued but have significantly increased.

In a statement issued by the Union on Sunday, it explained that there are strong indications of systematic targeting of journalists, taking advantage of the difficult circumstances in the country, in order to intimidate them, loot their belongings, and expose their lives and the lives of their families to extreme danger, forcing them to leave and thus turning conflict areas into dark zones.

The Journalists Union warned the Rapid Support Forces of the danger of this approach and called on relevant regional and international organizations to condemn these irresponsible acts by the Rapid Support Forces.

The Union reiterated its demand to stop this war that has turned into a humanitarian catastrophe and pushed the country to the brink of collapse and fragmentation.

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