
Doctors in West Darfur Expecting a Fierce Attack on Geneina

Report - Moatinoon

The Trade Union of Doctors in West Darfur state has stated that the city of Geneina has been facing a new wave of attacks since Wednesday. The attacks have been concentrated in the eastern and southern neighborhoods, and the union expects the intensity and scale of the attacks to escalate further.

The union has warned about the catastrophic humanitarian and security situation in the city, characterized by collapsed services, lack of food, water, and medicine. They have appealed to local and international authorities to take immediate and serious action to provide the necessary essentials for survival. They emphasized that the deteriorating security situation, along with the catastrophic humanitarian conditions, has resulted in direct killings of civilians through battles and sniping, as well as deaths due to hunger, diseases, and maternal mortality complications. Furthermore, activists, journalists, and human rights defenders have been targeted, along with the destruction of their homes.

In another development, the Womens Alliance Office in Darfur, a womens organization, revealed that tribal militias supported by elements from the Rapid Support Forces have imposed a tight siege on neighborhoods in the city of Geneina, preventing the residents from leaving. The womens organization warned that most of the population is at risk of death due to lack of food, water, and medicine. They also reported that the militias have burned down most of the displacement centers, looted and destroyed the market, hospitals, government institutions, and gained control over water sources.

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