
Sudan Doctors Union: The Siege on Al-Ubayyid City and Its Consequences

Al-Ubayyid, the capital of North Kordofan, is currently facing a siege by military forces from all directions, resulting in deteriorating living and health conditions for the citys residents.

Most of the essential supplies have been depleted from the markets, and flour is about to run out. This will lead to an imminent food catastrophe if food supplies are not delivered. Additionally, warehouses belonging to the World Food Programme (WFP) have been looted, including food security stores and three WFP vehicles, as well as a fuel vehicle.

The city has been without electricity for over two weeks. Engineers and civil administrators attempted to reach the power station but were attacked and robbed. Moreover, the city has been experiencing a water shortage for over a month, along with a scarcity of fuel.

The siege on the city has also affected healthcare services, medical staff, and their movement and transportation of supplies. This has led to a deterioration in the healthcare provided in hospitals and healthcare facilities in the city, as well as a severe shortage of medications, even in commercial pharmacies.

The kidney dialysis center has been greatly affected, with a death toll of 12 among dialysis patients since the beginning of the siege, accounting for 8% of the total number of dialysis patients. Pediatric dialysis sessions are unavailable, and two children have been transferred to Madani city out of the total of 12 children at the center. The kidney dialysis center in Al-Ubayyid is at risk of completely shutting down in the coming days, as the remaining number of dialysis sessions is only sufficient for ten days. Furthermore, all treatments and supplies for kidney patients, such as blood pressure medications, iron injections, erythropoietin injections, and others, are running out.

We condemn these reckless acts that disregard the lives of citizens. We appeal to international organizations, especially the Red Cross, to open safe corridors to save the living and health conditions of the besieged city, and to deliver food supplies, medical aids, and other essentials from Rabak City and neighboring cities.


Preparatory Committee of Sudan Doctors Union
Media Office
Friday, June 9, 2023

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