
Attack on the city of Tawila leaves dead and wounded yesterday

The city of Tawila in northern Darfur was subjected to an attack yesterday evening, resulting in a number of dead and wounded, some of whom are in critical condition.

A statement by the Coordination Committee of the Fashir Resistance Front stated that ongoing efforts are underway to determine the number of casualties and injuries caused by the attack, the perpetrators of which have not been identified.

The coordination committee also highlighted the looting of what remains of the citys market, the local government headquarters, and the police center, while eastern and northern neighborhoods were set on fire, and cars and livestock belonging to citizens were stolen.

The coordination committee has confirmed the death of seven people and the injury of eight others in its latest statement. They have appealed to all volunteers and medical personnel in the state to be fully prepared and to equip the South Fashir Hospital to receive the wounded at any time.

The city of Tawila is located about 70 kilometers southwest of the city of Fashir, with Sudanese army forces stationed in the nearby Tabat area. The city has been subjected to continuous attacks by the army and the Rapid Support Forces during the rule of the previous regime led by Omar al-Bashir, as it was considered a stronghold of Darfur armed movements.

On the other hand, the Women Against War group organized a protest today in front of the Hajj Abdul Salam Center in Fashir to stop the war under the slogan Stop the war within cities, peace first.

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