
The fate of dozens of journalists in Darfur remains unknown

Sudanese Journalists Syndicate

‏Report for the first half of the second month of bloody conflict

‏Monitoring the situation of Sudanese journalists from June 1-15

The explosion of armed conflict in Sudan between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces has deepened the suffering of journalists in Sudan, with the vast majority of media outlets in Sudan halted by the continuation of the fighting.

As a result of the war, large numbers of journalists were displaced outside Khartoum stat or seeking refuge across the border outside Sudan in very bad conditions and some remained stuck in border areas that could not leave due to visa complications.

While journalists in western Sudan live in very bad conditions, especially in the city of El Geneina in West Darfur, the city of Zalingei in Central Darfur and the city of Kutum in North Darfur, where battles intensify and violations of civilians continue. Despite continuous attempts to monitor violations, the fate of dozens of journalists in the states of Darfur remains unknown due to the difficulty of contacting them because of the Interruption of telecommunications services and the Internet networks at a time when they face daily dangers while they are searching for the truth amid the fighting.

The Sudanese Journalists Syndicate works to inventory journalists inside and outside Sudan, and to know the displacement, asylum and loss of work in their institutions during this war.
The Sudanese Journalists Syndicate provides periodic monitoring of violations committed against journalists and pose a threat to their lives and safety and a restriction on media freedom.

In this report, we list the total violations detected in the specified period, which are classified according to the nature of each violation.

1. Arrest:
Journalists Khaleda Al-Laqani and camerawoman Arwa were arrested and interrogated for four hours by a unit of the military intelligence of the Sudanese army at Argeen crossing border , while conducting press interviews with those trapped in the crossing border about their situation and suffering. The intelligence unit kept camera after releasing them.
Journalist Zamzam Khater was also arrested in El Fashir in North Darfur and until this moment we could not know the details and circumstances of what happened due to the faltering of communication due to the weakness of the network.

2. The threat:
No new threats were detected during the reporting period.

3. Travel ban:
Journalist Shawgi Abdel Azim, a member of the Sudanese Journalists Syndicate Council, received his passport, after the passport remained reserved with the military intelligence of the Sudanese army in Gedaref in eastern Sudan, after the visa granted to him to enter Ethiopia expired.

Mawahib Ibrahim, a member of the executive office of the Sudanese Journalists Syndicate, was banned of traveling from Riyadh airport to Cairo and asked her to conduct a security check while the women were not required to do so, before the recent visa decisions came into effect.

4. Disappearance:
No cases of disappearance were detected in the reporting period.

5. Injury:
Wegdan Abugroon was injured by a Sliver in her leg in Banat neighborhood of Omdurman.

6. Beatings and looting personal belongings:
Journalist Salah Damba was looted, harassed and his passport was held in Al-Jablain area in White Nile State for a period of time during his 14-day exit trip from Khartoum to Al-Ranak in South Sudan.

Police officers in Port Sudan assaulted journalist Al-Amin Al-Sheikh, he tried to ‏Submitting a complaint and despite the prosecutor’s permission, the police refused to make the report.
Members of the Sudanese armys military intelligence assaulted journalist Ali Jouda, who was held for two hours and beaten during this period.

7. Attacks on media headquarters and institutions:
The buildings of the General Authority for Radio and Television in Omdurman have been a battleground for both sides of the conflict since the first day of the war.

The Rapid Support Forces used offices and studios as a military barracks for soldiers and the danger is still looming on the legacy in their audio and video libraries and their condition was not clear, as the broadcast continued to stop and the displacement of the Authoritys staff.
The perimeter of the building where the offices of the channels of (Al-Jazeera, Al -Arabiya , Alarby and Al-Sharq) located on 60th Street in Khartoum has also been subjected to artillery shelling since Monday, June 12, threatening the safety of journalists and posing a threat to their lives, as a result of shelling and increasing the frequency of battles near them.
Al-Akhbar newspaper headquarters were completely stormed, looted and stolen.

8/ Attacking houses by shelling or looting and vandalism:
A force of Rapid support forces entered the house of journalist Mohy Eldeen Jibril and told his neighbors that they arrived here with instructions to burn the house “because it belongs to a reporter working for Al Jazeera” and after a discussion with the neighbors they were convinced that the owner of the house was a correspondent for Al-Ghad channel and not Al-Jazeera, But they insisted on getting into the house and inspecting it and then left. A force returned again at 10 p.m., no neighbor could get out for fear of being killed, the force broke the garage of the house and tried to steal his car.

A Shelling fell on the house of colleague Nawal Shanan in Khartoum’s Arkaweet neighbourhood, after they left, shattered the house, and there were no injuries.

The house of colleague Lubna Abdullah, a member of the executive office of the Sudanese Journalists Syndicate in Al-Hilla Al-Jadida in central Khartoum, was also attacked, smashed the doors of the house, stolen furniture, money and gold jewelry.

A force of rapid support has invaded the home of colleague Khalid Abdulaziz family in Khartoum 2, since April 16 and troops are still inside. Another force violated his house in Al- Doha neighborhood of Omdurman and stayed there, they stole two cars from the house.
The homes of colleague Nazik Shammam, colleague Hanadi Abdullatif and colleague Al-Tayeb Gasemelseed were raided and looted.

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