
Trade Union Front to Stop the War and Build Democracy

Four elected union bodies have formed a front to stop the war and build democracy in Sudan.

In a press statement, the unions of doctors, journalists, professors at Nyala University, and professors at Al-Azhar University stated that this step comes as part of the initiation of work to form a broader civil front that includes management committees and preliminary committees of known professional bodies.

The trade union front calls for the unification of Sudanese civil forces to pressure for an immediate cessation of the war and work towards completing the glorious December revolution.

It demands the withdrawal of the military institution from the economy and political life, and its return to the barracks, as well as the dissolution of the Rapid Support Forces, parallel armies, and armed militias. It also calls for the formation of a unified national army with a national ideology, with the principle of reform as a fundamental mechanism.

The front also calls for an investigation into all crimes and human rights violations that occurred before and after the April 15 war, and for holding those responsible accountable before national and international courts.

It urges urgent solutions to the living crisis and the development of an economic program that addresses the economic and social collapse of the Sudanese state, including healthcare and education services, and the rebuilding of what has been destroyed by the war.

The front emphasizes the preservation of the sovereignty and unity of the Sudanese state and its institutions, and the rejection of racism, regionalism, and sectarianism.

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