
Gedaref State Government Demands Eviction of Displaced People from Youth Hostel

Follow-up - Moatinoon
Activists involved in voluntary work in Gedaref city have stated that the Gedaref State Government is preparing to forcefully evict displaced people from the youth hostel. They explained that the state government has demanded them to evacuate the youth hostel, which currently accommodates kidney failure patients, diabetic patients, and disabled individuals among the displaced population.

The Gedaref Emergency Room has established the youth hostel as its headquarters, overseeing several displacement centers in the city.

The youth hostel serves as the main reception center for displaced individuals arriving from Khartoum before they are distributed to other locations.

The main kitchen located in the youth hostel supplies food to all other centers.

Activists mentioned that the youth hostel remained unoccupied for a long period before being utilized by the Emergency Committee. They pointed out that the state government did not provide any support to the Emergency Committee, obstructing its work. The latest obstacle was the administrative decision to evacuate the premises, with a large contingent accompanied by a prosecutor appointed to enforce the decision by force.

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