
29 buildings were destroyed in Omdurman during the first week of July

During the first week of July, a total of 29 buildings were partially or completely destroyed as a result of clashes between the Rapid Support Forces and the Sudanese Armed Forces in Omdurman, according to the Sudan Conflict Observatory that monitors and documents the extent and locations of destruction in the Sudan conflict.

According to the latest report from the observatory on Friday, July 7, the clashes that occurred during the past week resulted in an increase of 7% in the damage inflicted on civilian infrastructure in the Greater Khartoum area compared to the previous week. This brings the total number of buildings that have been partially or completely destroyed in Greater Khartoum to 427 since the start of the fighting in April.

The observatory noted that the third week of June (June 15-21, 2023) witnessed a significant increase in building destruction, reaching approximately 90 buildings. This raised the total number of destroyed buildings during the first sixty days of the war (April 15 - June 15) from 306 to 395 buildings. By the end of June, the number of destroyed or damaged buildings increased to 398, with the destruction particularly pronounced in the northwestern and southern parts of Khartoum. The observatory also pointed out that the rate of building destruction is approximately 36 buildings per week or 5.1 buildings per day.

Regarding the displacement movement, the observatory stated that residents of Khartoum continue to leave the capital at an accelerated pace. As a result, the population of the capital has decreased, with 57% of the population fleeing by the end of the previous week, July 7th.

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