
TASAMI: We fear the outbreak of a comprehensive civil war in Sudan

TASAMI, the Sudanese Solidarity against Racial Discrimination, has warned of the domination of hate speech and identity-based killings in the conflict between the army and the Rapid Support Forces.

TASAMI expressed its fear of the outbreak of a comprehensive civil war, stating in a statement issued today that its signs have begun to emerge through the involvement of groups and local and tribal communities in the flames of war. This has led to an increase in hate speech, racism, and mutual accusations of identity-based killings in this accursed war.

The statement further mentioned that the war in Sudan between the army and the Rapid Support Forces in Khartoum, Darfur, and Kordofan has entered its third month, amidst a complete absence of wisdom and reason. The statement highlighted that the continuation of the fighting has resulted in the killing of thousands of civilians, the displacement of millions, and the perpetration of heinous war crimes through wide-scale violations of international humanitarian law, in the absence of safe passages, scarcity of food and clean drinking water, lack of medical and health services, and the destruction of infrastructure in the fields of health, education, culture, museums, and others.

TASAMI condemned both parties to the conflict and called for the unity of civil forces in Sudan to confront and stop the war. It also appealed to the international community, friendly and sisterly countries, and regional organizations to urgently intervene to halt the war and assist the Sudanese people in averting a larger humanitarian catastrophe.

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