
10,000 Families Suffer from Water Shortage in Bahri

Khartoum Bahri - Moatinoon
Emergency committees in several neighborhoods of Bahri city stated that the continued water cutoff in the entire city is a war crime that requires urgent intervention to stop it.

Local emergency committees in Shambat, Al Shaabiya, and Al Halfaya neighborhoods in the northern region of Khartoum Bahri issued a distress call to the leadership of the armed forces and the Rapid Support Forces in the Bahri area, as well as to humanitarian organizations and the international community. They also addressed the Governor of Khartoum and the Minister of Infrastructure, as well as the Director General of the Khartoum State Water Corporation, urging them to work on restoring the water supply that has been cut off since the beginning of the conflict between the warring parties.

A statement issued by the three committees revealed that the three neighborhoods are still suffering from water shortages from the Bahri station, which has been halted since the start of the war on April 15 until today.

The distress call in the statement revealed that citizens are being supplied with drinking water directly from the Nile without any purification or treatment, and they warned of the increasing complexity of the situation with the onset of autumn and the flood season, as the percentage of sediment in the Nile water (Al-Damirah) increases. Additionally, the difficulty of movement and access to the Nile due to the rugged roads leading to it during the autumn season.

Shambat, Al Shaabiya, and Al Halfaya neighborhoods are still densely populated, with more than 10,000 families suffering from water shortages and limited access. The emergency committees called for the urgent rescue of the citys residents from death due to thirst and the prevention of impending disasters.

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