
Teachers Committee Rejects Withholding Monthly Salaries from Employees

The Sudanese Teachers Committee has demanded its members and all salaried workers to oppose the governments decision since the beginning of the war not to pay monthly salaries except to the security forces.

In a statement issued today, the committee expressed its rejection of depriving workers of their legitimate right, as recognized by all the covenants and international treaties that Sudan has ratified. It emphasized its opposition to this decision through various peaceful means and holding the authorities responsible for any consequences that may occur to the workers due to this catastrophic decision.

The committee considered the non-payment of salaries to state employees for four months a crime against the workers and their families. According to the committee, the worker and their family have paid the price for this deprivation in hunger and illness, stating that all attempts by the worker to bridge the gap caused by the non-payment of salaries and the states disregard have failed.

It is worth mentioning that state employees have not received their monthly salaries since the outbreak of the war between the armed forces and the Rapid Support Forces on April 15. This has led to tragic conditions for hundreds of thousands of workers and their families who rely on these salaries to manage their livelihoods.

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