
5 People Killed in Al-Khojlab, Northern Bahri

Five people, all from the same family, were killed this morning in the Al-Khojlab area, north of Khartoum Bahri, due to the explosion of a barrel bomb while they were having their breakfast.

The number of destroyed houses in the village as a result of continuous shelling for the past three months is approximately twenty homes.

According to eyewitnesses on the ground, the citizens made tremendous efforts to gather the remains of the deceased, whose burial was delayed until noon at the village mosque due to ongoing artillery and aerial bombardments.

Residents of Al-Khojlab and Faki Hashem, which are villages along the Nile and face the military base of Wadi Sayyidna in Omdurman, complain about random shelling that has affected homes, mosques, and schools.

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