
Civilian Components Demand Referral of War Violations to the International Criminal Court

Thirty-two civilian components called for an immediate and urgent investigation into the crimes and violations committed against innocent civilians during the war.

The group signed a memorandum to the Secretary-General of the United Nations, urging for urgent intervention regarding the grave violations and crimes that warrant international attention. They demanded that the matter be referred to the International Criminal Court through the United Nations Security Council to prosecute and punish the perpetrators.

The memorandum accused the parties to the conflict of human rights abuses and actions that constitute elements of crimes against humanity, genocide, and war crimes, all of which are criminalized under national and international law, as well as the Fourth Geneva Convention.

The signatories from civil and human rights groups listed a range of violations to support the memorandum, including the aerial bombardment of civilian populations by the military, the use of various types of weapons resulting in the deaths of hundreds of civilian victims and the destruction of their homes. Additionally, it highlighted the attacks by the Rapid Support Forces on hospitals, targeting doctors, and their systematic ethnically-motivated assaults in Darfur, as well as the large-scale rape of women.

Furthermore, the memorandum documented several other violations and crimes.

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