
Media War Mongers on Satellite Channels

By Walid Al-Noor

Despite the fourth month of the senseless war and the destruction it caused in the capital Khartoum and other states, some entities are still active in the form of enthusiastic war propaganda rooms, working diligently to distort the truth.

Among those are the war cheerleaders and drum beaters hosted by satellite channels, posing as journalists representing the voice of the Sudanese people who have become refugees or displaced, while others remain in their homes in Khartoum under constant bombardment and crossfire between the warring parties, unable to leave due to various real reasons.

However, objectivity, which is expected from journalists, quickly vanishes from them, and their biases become evident from the first word they utter. They are aligned with the hidden side that desires war and its continuation.

In reality, this category of war propagators resides outside the country, dispersed in neighboring countries with their families. Therefore, their statements and stances are far from reality on the ground, which is known by the citizens present in, for example, Omdurman, suffering from aircraft bombings and shells falling around their homes, expecting to be killed along with their children at any moment without any guilt.

This category disguises itself like a chameleon, dreaming of the return of the previous regime so that they can resume their past practices that tainted some media outlets and made them mouthpieces for the ruling regime, conveying what it wants, not what matters to the people.

In fact, satellite channels have become accustomed to write the title (Journalist) before the guests name on the screen, despite the fact that they have never been seen working in any editorial office, nor have they practiced journalism (in written, audio, or visual form). Some of them were ministers, governors, ceremonial figures, and officers in the former regimes forces, serving the agenda of the previous regime.

It is the responsibility of colleagues in satellite channels to challenge them by presenting them as former leaders in the previous regime and observe their response. They will likely decline to appear under this title because they are not neutral; they are opportunistic opportunists only.



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