
Sudan: The April War and Losing Bets

By Abdulrahman Al-Ajib

The devastating April war is heading into its fifth month, and the situation in Sudan continues to worsen and become more complex. The public sphere remains divided into two camps: one calling for a military solution to the conflict, and the other advocating for resolution through dialogue and negotiations. Clearly, the latter option is the logical and rational choice.

Betting on a military solution to the destructive April war is undoubtedly a losing bet with high economic and human costs. Historically, all those who wagered on resolving problems through war eventually resorted to sitting at the negotiation table, and they succeeded in achieving significant gains through peaceful solutions.

Some argue that the political elites, parties, and generals have failed to fulfill the legitimate aspirations of the Sudanese people due to the successive failures of the countrys governments. Thus, some have nicknamed Sudan as the Nation of Losing Bets, as its ruling and opposition elites, along with its generals, have continuously reproduced failure and resorted to losing bets to address chronic crises. Moreover, they failed to achieve political stability, which some attribute to the central elites and the generals who were accused of leading the nation and its citizens to destruction.

It is evident that the historical situation of the country requires a radical and genuine change that leads Sudan towards a bright and prosperous future. This real change, sought by the Sudanese, means transitioning from one entirely different state to another, encompassing deep, comprehensive, and sustainable transformations. It should lead to freedom instead of oppression, justice instead of injustice, security instead of fear, education instead of illiteracy, and stability instead of chaos.

To escape from the dark tunnel, the Sudanese must build a broad civil front that works towards ending the war and establishing a political reform movement aiming to change the Sudanese perceptions and the political parties confrontations with reality. This movement should be based on genuine historical narratives and self-criticism that aims to build a new Sudan, a democratic and free country, free from the losing bets that the elites, parties, and generals have become addicted to.

Building the desired new Sudan will not come from tactical reactions but from making decisions based on new concepts. It should be based on a foundation of national unity that does not isolate anyone. Moreover, it must consider that lasting historical transformations are brought about by the people, not by dominant social or political minorities.

The Sudanese must firmly stand against the April war and its losing bets and support the ongoing negotiating solution currently taking place in Jeddah. Supporting this option will undoubtedly lead to winning bets, and Sudanese will reap the benefits in the near future.



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