
Emergency Lawyers Demand International Protection

The organization Emergency Lawyers called on international and regional organizations to protect civilians and human rights defenders in particular.

This came in a statement issued by the group today, Saturday, entitled Regarding the Targeting and Assassination of Lawyers.

The organization said, The worst types of violations have evolved against human rights defenders and activists, represented by the abduction and assassination of colleague Ahmed Abdullah Al-Lord after his kidnappers demanded a ransom for his release, and it is likely that the kidnappers are affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces.

We, at Emergency Lawyers, call on international and regional organizations to protect civilians and human rights defenders in particular, as they work to monitor and document violations under difficult and dangerous security conditions, and they are targeted by the parties to the conflict.

The organization mourned human rights defenders, Professor Dr. Mohammed Marsal Mustafa, who was killed after his house was shelled in Block (18) Abu Saad in Omdurman yesterday, Friday, and Mr. Abdullah Mirghani in Wad Noobawi, Omdurman, who was killed along with others due to a falling bullet.

The organization reaffirmed that its members believe in the necessity of the defenders work to pressure for the cessation of violations, achieve justice, and ensure that impunity does not prevail.

The Emergency Lawyers entity was established as a civil society organization in 2019, but its role became prominent after the October 25 coup last year. Its main goals include opposing emergency laws and orders that violate the constitution and human rights principles, providing legal assistance to all those affected by them, resisting any other decisions issued under them, and documenting violations.

The organization assisted in the period following the coup in releasing a large number of detained activists and also works as part of defense bodies when they are referred to the judiciary.

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