
Alternative Media and Threats to Social Peace

Dr. Abdel Matlub Sadiq

The neglect of the issue of social peace and the culture of peace remains the most prominent concern and perhaps the main reason for the division, fighting, and conflicts that may lead to the complete collapse of the state and society.

The signs of imminent societal collapse are evident in the breakdown of the state machinery, halted production, dwindling security, and the loss of individual, collective, and societal tranquility. Such a situation leads to the dominance of a herd mentality in which the authority of reason is absent, and the power of instinct and whimsical thinking concerning basic human needs prevails.

In such a reality, reliance on the media for simple and easy solutions becomes tempting. This is not due to the lack of importance of the media as an essential factor in society, but rather due to the numerous destructive attempts that have led to the deterioration we are currently experiencing. However, observers explore the negative roles of alternative media and its modern tools represented in social media networks and various digital content platforms.

Here, the term alternative refers to media that replaces the official and institutional media with its known scientific, practical, professional, and ethical traditions. It is true that the world as a whole suffers today from the power of new media and its impact on public opinion, marked by weak professionalism, lack of responsibility, deception, concealment, unreliability, and a tendency to incite regional and racial animosities. However, in this war, we suffer from the woes of the lack of credibility in alternative media and the complete absence of official media representing the state, party, army, and the Rapid Support Forces.

It appears evident that content creators, most of whom are ordinary people, participate in spreading rumors, fake news, exaggeration, and blind bias towards one of the conflicting parties. This happens in the absence of a practical approach to the multiplicity of media messages that represent the guarantee in todays world for neutrality, objectivity, credibility, transparency, and providing data that promotes social peace.

Anyone residing in the cursed circle of war does not receive a neutral and objective media message that guarantees safe passage or movement, protecting them from stray bullets, blind shrapnel, or unexploded shells. Even a warning message about military operations in a particular neighborhood is not available.

Alternative media has become a partner in war, a loudspeaker for its trumpets, and an orchestra of enthusiastic instruments calling for killing and destruction more than a means of surveillance, awareness, and providing a safe umbrella for the public, which are the fundamental functions of media.

In-depth studies conducted by American scientific research centers on peace issues have demonstrated the importance of a culture of peace, coexistence, and dialogue in stopping the machinery of war and achieving societal peace. Consequently, the dominant collective media today is a tool of war, a part of its machinery, and a means of demolition and destruction.

The call here is directed to the active forces of society, professional media practitioners, and sociologists to analyze our current reality and propose appropriate remedies before transitioning from a state of war to civil war, chaos, and complete societal collapse.

There will be no Sudan or Sudanese if we do not respect the opinions of others and acknowledge the right of everyone to comprehensive societal and political participation without exception or isolation, except for those convicted of crimes that violate the principles of humanity, honor, and trust, betraying their homeland and people, and failing the test of loyalty and patriotism.

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