
Political and Community Forces in Eastern Sudan Declare an Initiative to Halt the War


Civil, civilian, political forces, and activists from Eastern Sudan announced an initiative yesterday, Monday, to halt the war and bring peace to Sudan.

In a statement titled Eastern Initiative for Peace in Sudan, they called for ending the war through a comprehensive political process to address the roots and causes of the conflict and to establish peace in Sudan. They also advocated for forming a national mechanism to oversee humanitarian aid distribution fairly, assisting internally displaced people and refugees in returning to their homes.

They emphasized that ending the war requires the establishment of a civilian authority to manage the transitional period and oversee reconstruction.

The list of signatories included nine dignitaries and civil leaders, including leaders from Al-Bashairiyyin, Al-Jamilab, Al-Bani Amer, and Al-Habbab. It also included Al-Barqu Al-Salihab in Kassala, as well as 17 political parties, organizations, and 83 activists.

While reaffirming the unity of Sudan and recognizing ethnic and cultural diversity and equal citizenship, they called for ending the war through a comprehensive political process and establishing a democratic civilian governance system based on justice and fairness.

They called for consensus on political and professional mechanisms to prepare for a comprehensive national dialogue conference. They also advocated for forming a supreme national committee to address the situations of internally displaced persons, assess the damages caused by the war, and establish a national fund for compensation and reparation.

They praised Sudanese initiatives and the role played by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the United States, neighboring countries, international and regional organizations in efforts to halt the war.

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