
A Day of Hell in the War on Old Omdurman

Omdurman - Al-Asmai Bashari

The neighborhoods of Aburof, Beit Al-Mal, and Dunubawi in Old Omdurman witnessed fierce battles today between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, as the streets and city spaces, including Martyrs Square, Abu Anja Creek, and Al-Mawrada, turned into a battlefield since early morning.

Residents in these neighborhoods reported yesterday, Sunday, that the warring parties had asked the residents to leave their homes. Eyewitnesses confirmed that they had seen hundreds of citizens heading north to the neighborhoods of the revolution and Karrari adjacent to them since last night.

Meanwhile, the Coordination Committee of the Resistance Committees in Karari Al-Mahdi issued a statement stating that the tenth, sixth, seventh, and eighth revolution neighborhoods have opened their doors and schools to accommodate the forcibly displaced from Old Omdurman neighborhoods.

The Jenan school also announced the opening of its doors to all residents of Aburof, Al-Dabaga, and Al-Qamayr, as a shelter for those who have no place to stay.

The Al-Naw Hospital in Omdurman was crowded with a large number of wounded and killed civilians, according to activists. The number of civilian casualties is estimated to be around 30 dead and more than 50 wounded.

Local sources told Citizens that the Abbasiya, Aburof, and Al-Arbaeen neighborhoods in Omdurman are witnessing clashes using light weapons and aerial bombardment of Rapid Support Forces gatherings.

The spokesperson for the Armed Forces stated that the army in Omdurman carried out an extensive sweep operation today, covering areas in Old Omdurman, Martyrs Square, Amarat Omdurman, and even to Al-Hilal Stadium, Wad Al-Bashir, and Abu Anja Creek to the south.

He added that the Armed Forces accounted for four dead and a number of wounded, and that they successfully completed their planned missions and will continue with the sweeping operation and delivering painful blows with the support of the Rapid Support Forces.

Meanwhile, the Rapid Support Forces stated that the army forces entered Al-Naw Hospital in Omdurman and turned it into a military barracks. The statement condemned the armys occupation of hospitals, the eviction of innocent civilians, and their denial of medical treatment.

Al-Naw Hospital, the only functioning hospital, is suffering from a severe shortage of medicines, surgical treatments, and medical staff, according to a medical source.

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