
Sudanese Stranded in the Ethiopian City of Gondar Demand Evacuation

Sudanese individuals stranded in the city of Gondar, Ethiopia, have launched an appeal for their evacuation from the city as clashes intensify between the Ethiopian army and Amhara militia groups.

The stranded individuals directed their plea to the Sudanese ambassador to Ethiopia, urging evacuation through any possible means.

Thousands of Sudanese sought refuge in Ethiopia after clashes erupted between the Sudanese Armed Forces and the Rapid Support Forces in mid-April of the past year.

In the Ethiopian city of Gondar, the historical capital and the second-largest city in the Amhara region, there are over a thousand Sudanese who fled the horrors of the Sudanese war, including around 500 children, women, and elderly individuals.

Recent confrontations between the Ethiopian army and Amhara militias in the Amhara region ignited, once again leaving Sudanese refugees trapped in a new war outside their homeland.

Sudanese individuals in Gondar have been unsuccessful in communicating with the Red Cross or any other operating organizations there due to the escalation of hostilities between the two parties.

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