
Return to the Pink Banking Dream

Osman Hamed Salim

After the war on Khartoum and its comprehensive destruction, its burden subsides, its fires extinguish, and its warring forces withdraw aggressively and foolishly over the heads of innocent citizens and residents.
Now, since the first bullet was fired on Saturday, April 15, 2023, announcing the start of hours of disgust, hatred, treachery, and weaving of suffocating conspiracy threads, roles become confused between the two sides of the conflict.
(Absurdity, absurdity, absurdity) is echoed by the parties with stupidity and deceptiveness, exchanging accusations and vilifications.

And the citizen flees in fear, moving forward without looking back, without bidding a farewell glance to his long, quiet life, from the time of Khartoum at Night to Tonight at Night, we walk along the Nile shore... Coffee with a mood, youre the sugar!!
And even the pyramids city tasted cups of hanzal and bitter drinks.

38 banks, gentlemen!! With hundreds of branches spanning the map of Sudan, devoured by the monster of secession/independence!!

A history dating back to 1913, with Anglo-Egyptian Bank and 1916 with Barclays Bank DC. And the great names that followed thereafter until achieving independence on the first of January 1956.

Natural evolution continued with the components of foreign banks, and they didnt exceed ten in total, including the Central Bank - Bank of Sudan, and the Sudan Commercial Bank with Sudanese national ownership and capital. Additionally, there were specialized banks in the public sector - agricultural, industrial, and real estate.

The first and greatest catastrophe that struck the stability and professionalism of the banking society was the cursed nationalization on May 25, 1970. The destruction and random chaos in policies and mergers followed.
The catastrophe was exacerbated by the hemorrhage of banking minds and the emigration and alienation of professional competencies. Carriers of traditions, principles, customs (secrecy and privacy), discipline, and professional integrity were lost, along with everything for which bankers and bank employees were known.

Then came the mother of catastrophes (with the Islamization of the banking system) and a return to reading the history of the crime in the early 1990s. The con artists brought out the hidden aspects of (Faisal Bank, Al-Tadamon Bank, and Al-Shimal Bank), and the likes of mafia gangs and secretive masonic groups emerged, with mysterious formations, secretive ownership, the origins of capital, who manages them, their boards of directors, advisory and legitimate bodies, and who benefits from them, even up to the moment of destruction!

We dream of opening the door to the neighbors - Sudans neighbors!!

Yesterday, the unification of the Libyan Central Bank was announced after it had split into two banks, expressing the countrys division into two states!! Eastern Libya and Western Libya!! Tripoli and Benghazi:
Unification signifies the end of conflict and the possession of the administration of finances and the setting of financial and trade policies by the single state authority, indicating the end of war through the unity of money.

Investments of UAE banks reached billions by the end of June 2023, achieving the highest level in their history. This could be considered an indicator of the nearing end of the universal war and its greatest threat, oscillating between Russia and Ukraine, spreading among the madmen who press nuclear buttons. If they were launched, it would scatter the earths sphere (like a carved watermelon) on the edge of the beloved memory of the grand Souq Amarat.

** Sudanese banks must be reorganized and restructured - correcting their abnormal state and returning to their original commercial banking nature, conventional banking. Without exaggeration, without the delusions and deceptions of usury that clouded minds during decades of confusion and turned legitimate wealth and liquidity into plunder in the pockets of the expanding greed over the years of desperate salvation.

The Sudanese market needs 6-10 commercial banks at minimum and maximum, public joint-stock companies with capital contributions (minimum of 100 million, increasing annually to reach 500 million) over three years - after merging and liquidating surplus banks beyond the actual needs of the financial banking market.

It should be regulated by law and overseen by (Central Bank - Bank of Sudan).

The Bank of Banks, responsible for issuing and regulating currency, monopolizing the management of the states financial resources, minerals, and commercial balances, and performing other functions of an independent central bank, under the sovereignty of the state. It should be restructured with the expertise and the latest systems followed by advanced countries like the European Union, Japan, Switzerland, and England, etc.
Allowing regional and international banks to establish joint banks at a 60/40% ownership ratio, with the higher proportion of Sudanese ownership - a joint company.
Also allowing Sudanese banks to open an Islamic window or establish an affiliated bank that operates in accordance with Islamic Sharia principles to meet the desires of customers and the needs of the banking market for diversity.
We must begin planning for what comes after the war from this moment.

Now.. not tomorrow.

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