
Shadow Effect - A Photography Exhibition

Kassala, Sudan - moatinoon
The Shadow Effect photography exhibition, showcasing the works of artist and photographer Hussein Saleh Ari, has opened in the city of Kassala.

Describing his exhibition concept, Professor Hussein Ari says: Shadow Effect is a photography exhibition that combines dreams with reality. In a time when Sudan is grappling with an ongoing war that burdens its back, causing both physical and emotional wounds, and scorching every green and promising aspect. I worked for a period of over two years before the war to capture these images.

What is a shadow?
Light is halted by objects, thus the visible shadow is the portion deprived of rays from the light source, which appears due to contrast. Therefore, a shadow is the absence of light as a direct result of the presence of opaque objects that obstruct the path of light rays. The nature of the shadow is akin to that of darkness, while light is characterized by its luminance. Shadows vanish as light reveals, and both are interdependent on the surfaces of objects.
Here, the shadow—within this exhibition—is a description of life paused from being tangible in the material state, yet it persists beside us. Often, it signifies a virtual reality that enriches us with memories, sorrows, strong emotions, and transitions.

Do the images convey what you want to express with the same depth and meanings?
I am confident that these images are capable of explaining themselves and expressing with high responsibility. The colors within them are all in a state of blend and harmony. Moreover, the frames do not exert any control over them; rather, they serve as mere separating boundaries. Behind the light and darkness, lies the shadow brimming with our epics, stories, thoughts, and emotions. As Goethe once said, Where there is much light, the shadow is deep.
In the shadow, there is life, removed from both light and darkness. From there, we can perceive reality in its brilliance and differentiate between it and illusion. Occasionally, they intertwine, and we struggle to distinguish what is white from what is black. The darkness of life visits us, and at times, we struggle to differentiate between its shades. Within them, there are darker shades, then even darker, then almost a semblance of a shadow, until we open a window towards the light. Thats how life is—no absolute truth to be universally applied to all people—because we believe that the boundary between light and darkness is a clear and distinct line, when in reality, its different.

The shadow is a cosmic philosophy and a part of our biological makeup, allowing us to connect with the universe and all beings. It carries all that mystery. Its a delicate existence with no form, in contrast to us; we see it, but it doesnt see us. But when there is a shadow, it means that light is before us.

Darkness and shadow are nothing but the results of our distancing from the light. The beauty of the shadow elevates the elements of real life.

Whats the purpose of focusing on the shadow?
Here—in this experiment—I used the shadow to create aesthetic effects. In all arts and literature, the shadow found its place, often associated with mystery, death, and life.
The concept of a shadow is deep and intertwined with the idea of absolute existence and nothingness, with the idea of manifestation and blindness, and with the concept of death and eternity.

We are all on a journey towards inner light, so let us illuminate those around us. When we shine light on an opaque object through a light source—the opaque object is always between the light source and the shadow—then the shadow forms. The meanings, presence, and impact of the shadow in this exhibition are drawn from this dynamic and amplified by it.

I hope I have succeeded.

*Quoted from the TAM - The Aspired Bodies Gathering Facebook page.

Photo Gallery