
Arrest of Women During a Protest Against War in Damazin


This morning, a security force dressed in civilian clothes raided a protest organized by women and Mothers of Sudan at the El Mawlid Square in Damazin, in rejection of the war.

According to a statement issued by the Damazin Resistance Committees, the security force arrested most of the women present at the peaceful protest and took them to the headquarters of the security agency in Damazin.

The statement deemed this action a dangerous indicator and a legal violation, marking the return of arrest and detention authorities through the General Intelligence Agency.

The Damazin Resistance Committees held the relevant authorities fully responsible for the safety and security of the detained citizens and demanded their immediate release. They also urged authorities to cease seizing freedoms and oppressive practices targeting revolutionaries and political activists in the Blue Nile region.

They called upon all human rights organizations, civil society, and civic forces to monitor and counter these violations and safeguard civil rights.

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