
On the International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearance: No right is lost

Faisal al-Bagir
Faisal al-Bagir

Faisal al-Bagir

First orbit:
Miserable goat reaping the soldiers. In her yard. And the dawn of the crowns... What ugly man kills his neighbor... And this age of two says, Elijah Abu Madi.

I am writing this morning on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, which marks (International Day of Victims of Enforced Disappearance), adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 47/133 of December 18, 1992, as a set of principles applicable to all States. For greater clarity and clarification -- wanted -- we say, we write and talk -- here -- and here, this article, about ((enforced disappearance)) in accordance with the Universal Declaration on the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance.

Enforced (concealment) is a grave and egregious violation of human rights, the practice of which must be alerted and warned against all persons, as it violates the civil or political rights of individuals or of both - including, but not limited to, - The right to liberty and security of person, the right not to be subjected to torture, or to any cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment, and the right to life In cases where the disappeared person is killed, the right to identity, the right to judicial safeguards, a fair trial and the right to An effective remedy, including reparation and compensation, the right to recognition of ones legal personality - by and after - the right to know the truth, with regard to the circumstances of the disappearance, as well as the fate of the disappeared person, as well as the right to freedom to collect, receive and impart information to this end.

As enforced disappearance violates civil and political rights, so does the economic, social and cultural rights of victims and their families, including the right to health, the right to education, the right to family assistance and protection and the right to an adequate standard of living. All these rights are guaranteed to persons by the international instruments to which we have referred in this important context. We will not add new when we say that those affected and affected by the war are not/are not the only victims/n/n, but that the psychological, material and moral harm and harm includes the victims families, their small, large and extended families, their friends/n, so we must not allow the perpetrators of this heinous crime to go unpunished and we must warn them to emphasize that accountability and accountability, or punishment for this grave crime!

According to known international standards, enforced disappearance occurs when persons are arrested, detained, abducted against their will or deprived of their liberty in any way; by officials from different branches or levels of government, or by an organized group, or private individuals acting in the name of or with the support of the Government, directly or indirectly or with their consent or acceptance, and then refusal to disclose the fate of the persons concerned or of their whereabouts/n or refusal to recognize their deprivation/n of liberty, thereby depriving such persons of the protection of the law .

In addition to being a crime in national law, enforced disappearance constitutes a crime against humanity when committed in a widespread or systematic attack on any civilian population, a crime that is not subject to (statute of limitations), in accordance with the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, which entered into force on 1 July 2002, and the International Convention for the Protection of Persons from Enforced Disappearance, which was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, on 20 December 2006.

Here, and in this article, we want to confirm what is literally stated in Article I of (International Convention for the Protection of All Persons from Enforced Disappearance), which reads: No one shall be subjected to enforced disappearance and no exceptional circumstance whatsoever, whether in relation to a state of war or the threat of war, internal political instability or any other exception, may be invoked to justify enforced disappearance. The perpetrators of the crime of enforced disappearance must therefore know that the crime was unjustified and that no grounds for its commission could be invoked and, therefore, they must be prepared to be accountable, accountable and punishable.

In February 2021, the Government of the Sudan, in the words of the Permanent Representative of the Sudan to the United Nations in Geneva, Ambassador Ali bin Abiy Talib Abdulrahman, during his attendance at the 46th plenary meeting of the Human Rights Council, announced Sudans accession, approval and official endorsement of the (International Convention for the Protection of Persons from Enforced Disappearance), as well as ratification and official accession to (Convention against Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment) ), which the Sudan had already signed, on the date of (4 June 1986) This accession and ratification are therefore binding on the Sudanese State.

In the catastrophic climate of war in the Sudan, since the outbreak of April 15, 2023, enforced disappearance has become one of the largest and most egregious human rights violations in the Sudan, and has been used by the parties to the war (rapid support) and (military intelligence), among the forbidden and lethal weapons used in their war of nihilism, a proscribed and internationally criminalized weapon.

There is careful documentation, carried out by many parties and organizations of the Sudanese human rights movement and other relevant United Nations organizations and institutions, that violations are monitored and documented professionally, where monitoring, documentation and reporting is carried out, reports are published periodically, and communications are recorded (Enforced disappearance) The Public Prosecutors Office, through the Public Prosecutors Offices, undertakes this great effort, lawyers and lawyers, with competence, impartiality and high legal experience, who, on behalf of the parents of the disappeared, open complaint.

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No communications could be opened in Khartoum, Omdurman and Khartoum Bahri, where the war was not maintained outlets or buildings of representatives, or judiciary, that people can reach for protection and justice, a request for the codification of communications is submitted in the islands jurisdiction Model, at the Public Prosecutors Office of Bodmadni, for the enforced disappearances in Khartoum State, and there are other states and cities that have witnessed many cases of enforced disappearance, such as, but not limited to, El Geneina in Western Darfur and El Fasher in the north, in which it is currently impossible to record reports of enforced disappearance, as fugitives and fugitives from war in Darfur. (enforced disappearance), and they/n are on their/n journey across the Sudanese/Chadian border, in search of security and security across the border. There are sad and distressing testimonies and accounts of disappeared and forcibly disappeared persons. Some of these testimonies are documented and preserved on the stories of enforced disappearances in Darfur, Kordofan and other Sudanese states and cities, which will undoubtedly come at the time of their disclosure and prosecution.

Accurate statistics indicate cases of enforced disappearance involving women and men, professionally documented, by rights groups, some of which arose after the 15 April 2023 war. (Sudan Group of Victims of Enforced Disappearance) Model, which has begun to make appreciable legal efforts, in monitoring, documenting and following up on reports of enforced disappearance, and there are also (Missing Initiative) that arose in the wake of the crime and massacre of dispersing the sit-in from the Khartoum General Command, which took place today (Monday, June 3) 2019, previous and subsequent crimes (Enforced disappearance), all of which are criminal against humanity, no - and no - will be statutory, as we have already said, which means that the documentation process, the opening of communications per se, the retention of case files (Enforced disappearance) You must keep in custody and preservation, away from the hands and tampering of the perpetrators, and it is certain that it will be one of the most important evidence, to prove the crime, whenever national or international litigation is possible, and this is what we must prepare for, and prepare ourselves for, to bring justice to this sensitive file.

It is our duty in the Sudanese human rights movement, as in (Human Rights Press), and (Conflict Sensitive Press), continue the search for (Truth) In a matter and crime (enforced disappearance), we must continue and strengthen capacity-building in dealing with the phenomenon of enforced disappearance, as a crime against humanity, which is required to contribute and participate consciously in documentation and dissemination, as well as in all advocacy processes and activities, so as to achieve all the aims of combating enforced disappearance.

We conclude by saying: There are considerable efforts and small and simple initiatives, which have been made, on cases of enforced disappearance, which occurred after the 15 April 2023 war, among the human rights violations committed by the parties to the militia war, as well as all the violations that preceded them, which existed before the war, in particular a crime In Khartoum, the majority of Sudanese cities and states, against demonstrators and demonstrators, peaceful and demanding democracy, justice and peace, and the completion of the glorious December Revolution, the individual and collective efforts of which we have seen, heard and participated ourselves in our human rights and journalism institutions. Missing campaign and its partners, and also contributed to other human rights and journalistic initiatives, campaigns and individual and collective efforts..

Today, after the catastrophic war of 15 April 2023, the need is greater and greater for greater concerted efforts, coordination, intensification, development and accumulation of organized action so as to ensure the best results in the fight against enforced disappearance. It is fitting and deserving of our great people, and it must not be left to investigate the crimes of enforced disappearance. to the parties to the catastrophic war, but international efforts must be made to investigate this heinous crime. As a crime against humanity, it must be called upon to oppose and punish the perpetrators and to ensure that the perpetrators do not go unpunished. And, inevitably, No right is lost.

Last bell:
The boy grew up in prison. They lost him. Its all over. Person, you want to crave... Meet him in, not in prison. No disappearing. Dont tell you not to meet him. (Mahjoub Sharif).

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