
From the displacement memoir... Shelter Azza

Anwar Al-Nur Mohammed

There are two ways to spread light: either the candle or the mirror that reflects its flare.
Edith Wharton.

Days go by; every day we receive a fugitive from the darkness of war to the light of reassurance. The circle of tolerance off the shelters gate is expanding, and the chatter of war and return is abundant.

Let our debates go down and then we laugh; I dont know what we were laughing about but were laughing enough. Rabi Youssef is coming with kids. Where does he live up or under? I noticed the extraordinary interest of the tolerance circle. His features do not seem different from ours, but he liked to get his stability done as soon as possible. I pointed him out in our roommate row, and it was.

I quickly got to know him. There are human beings coming into your heart forcibly and without permission, spreading light around you and sending you along with positive energy. First time we eat in a lunch tray since we entered the camp. It was prepared by Fadwa, Rabis wife, table and a chair and acclaimed on the other. Fidwa is nothing less than a spring. She took to her neighbourhood her responsibility and concerns to honour Rabis friends. Rabi was and continues to represent the role of the candle by bringing out the lavish lighting and the futility represented the role of the highly purified mirror.

I learned what its like to be a light in the dark and I dont care about being burned. Rabi persevered with his longings and made it impossible to produce a major theatrical work despite the barricades. A full-fledged walk that brings us to light. We drink tea and Rabi paid the cost, we go out for breakfast (Fatta) and Rabi paid. If you try to get your hand in your empty pocket, you will hear Ya aa man, ya man.

Displacement is a microscope under which flowers appear to wash their bands. A brief human glimpse of a candle human. I will remain faithful to the moment and fate despite her unhappiness. And I wont forget him the moment of my great breakthrough. His tears came out to my tears and we love him to my wailing, tightening my bone and bandaging my wound.

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