
Report August 2023 Bashir Hospital

Translated by moatinoon

An emergency room (south of the belt) in Khartoum released an August report on the cases of the victims of the fighting between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, which was received by the Bashir hospital. The report published by (moatinoon) below said that the hospital received two cases of rape during August for the first time since the outbreak of the fighting.

The total number of cases received was 1,194.

373 cases of lead injury, equivalent to 31.24%.
108 cases of stabbing and assault, equivalent to 9.1%.
250 cases of ballistic bulls and aerial bombardment, equivalent to 20.94%.
463 cases of natural accidents and chronic diseases, equivalent to 38.78%.
35 deaths were recorded, with mercy and forgiveness.

Cases by gender:

Number of males 1061, equivalent to 88.86% detailed as follows:

346 bullet injuries, 69 stabbings and assaults, 224 ballistic wounds, 422 natural accidents and chronic illnesses.

The number of females is 133, equivalent to 11.14%. Detail as follows:
27 gunshot wounds, 26 ballistic bullets, 39 stabbings and assaults, 41 natural accidents and chronic illnesses.

The hospital recorded two cases of rape, the first of its kind in the hospital records.

473 surgeries were performed during the month.

* This report is prepared according to the cases brought to the hospital, and there are cases of her passing away before she arrives at the hospital.

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