
Running out of emergency food supplies in Kadugli

Follow-up - moatinoon

Save the Children announced that emergency food supplies had run out in the city of Kadugli in Southern Kordofan State.

In a statement on Friday, tens of thousands of children and their families were living in conditions akin to the blockade, with fighting blocking access to many major roads and discontinuing medical services, and attempts to bring in more supplies were unsuccessful according to the organizations staff located in the city.

The fighting blocked roads linking Khartoum to Kordofan and Darfur.

Dr. Arif Nur, Country Director of Save the Children Sudan, said:
(Food stock is completely out of stock and there is no way to replenish it. Those who remain and are injured will not get the medical treatment they need to survive. There is a very real risk that children will start dying of hunger.

He called on the international community to (recognize and treat the conflict in the Sudan as a large-scale emergency).

He added that families in the Sudan needed the basics to survive.

The escalation of fighting on August 14 forced more than 50,000 people, including at least 30,000 children, to be displaced throughout the city of Kadugli, the capital of Southern Kordofan.

The organizations staff in Kadugli said that many of the displaced families had fled and only had the clothes to wear, some had fled Khartoum and found themselves moving around for the second time. With the inability to move out of the city, the majority resorted to displacement within the town from the Hajr al-Mak neighbourhood to the Rudif neighbourhood, while many displaced families have now turned to schools.

Nour explained that families have already fled their homes once in the past few weeks. Recent fighting means that families must flee again, as some have nothing in their possession.

Before the war, the city was the hosting centre for some 160,000 displaced people, including 100,000 in need of humanitarian assistance even before the outbreak of the conflict.

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