
Citizens in the Battle of Passports: We thought the war would be a lesson

Follow-up - moatinoon

Following the passport crisis in the civil registry gatherings after a mid-April war broke out between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces, and citizens defended crossings and the airport to escape the hell of the Khartoum war, many who had expired their passports or wanted to extract new passports for themselves and their families are waiting.

The citizens protested after announcing the beginning of the passport extraction beginning on Sunday 3 August 2023, at a press conference, after determining the value of the passport extraction for adults 150 thousand pounds, and young 75 thousand pounds, until the intervention of the President of the Sovereign Council and requested a review.

In the city of Shandi, Nile River State, to which a large number of residents of Khartoum city were displaced, work began on the civil registry complex, a day earlier, but from the back doors, according to a number of citizens speaking to (moatinoon). (We thought the war would be a lesson), said one of them.

Those wishing to exhume the passport spent Saturday night in the Civil Registry premises, and a list of the first attendees was made. The surprise at the start of the work on Sunday morning was that the list handed to the centres officials, rather than starting with the first number, began with the number 23, while the doors of the interior offices remained closed to the general public standing in the rows, and the back doors worked for the families of the generals according to an official who asked to withhold his identity.

Citizen Niazi says (upon enquiry, they tell you: the network is not working, or devices are broken).
The citizens returned with their adults, their children, their women, frustrated and broadcasting their concern and complaint to God.

When they attended on Monday morning, the list was handed over (numbered) cards, entered inside the building and from the clock began talking about the need to reprogram the devices so that the passport value would be changed to 120,000 Pound for adults, and 80,000 Pound for children with increased state fees. According to official declarations, the state fees varied between 20 thousand pounds for adults and 14 thousand pounds for young people, some of which were consolidated into 6 thousand per passport, all while the back doors still served the generals.

One of the citizens we questioned states that he had some of his family members who had signed their efforts in the first of the lists adopted after their amendment, but still for two days waiting. Adding that they had relationships with persons in positions of power, but that his values prevented him from such behaviour.
He concluded by saying, (My advice to anyone who wishes to extract a passport; He must wait until the employees, their families, friends and acquaintances extract their passports, after which the lists of documents of ordinary citizens begin).

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