
War... National Contour Redrawn

Khaled Masa
Khaled Masa

Khaled Masa

We now read in the fifth line of the Sudans war volume, written in ruins and blood of the Sudanese people, from whom no one survives, whether by shooting death, looting of property, rape, displacement through internal displacement or hell of asylum outside the country.
Those are our losses up to this page of war, the last of which we will inherit a Sudan with complex fractures in the national hazard, because of war-made misfortunes that we have not yet clearly faced.

Everyone is busy fighting the tariffs of victory, defeat and the divisions of the camps of truth and falsehood, while the post-war future saves us from discovering the great toll of the country in its war-barely catching health system, after being tested by the coronavirus pandemic, falling in the exam and being prepared for a few drains of the public budget.
Those who support the continuation of the war put what happened to the Sudans health system in its qualified cadres and health aids, on its weakness, and invest in it on the side toll of the war, and that it is too bad that the waiting ranks for the washing of the kidneys given by the health system or their prevention, turn into waiting ranks for death, perhaps more merciful than he was.

The language and structure of the war used in social media display screens are the most attractive of those who expose the channels on their screens about the conditions of the Sudan on the border bar with the State of Chad, picking up insects and foliage, slowing down the international community and its organizations and exposing themselves to angels of mercy.
Echo chambers open their doors and say, are more propagandists of hate speech and war speech and extortion of the rhetoric of consciousness and enlightenment calling for the suppression of the fire of war, which poisons the public space, expands the area of war and increases the countrys public casualties, emigrating the minds and sights of certified, qualified and experienced persons to seek life in other lands and build new nations.

After this war, how much will this country need to regain the confidence of national capital and convince it to come back again to try to contribute to the restoration of the spirit of the national economy on which the war was equipped. and how much we need to convince the world that the investment climate in the Sudanese economy is attractive for financiers and global companies, They had to assume part of the responsibility for restoring the spirit of the economy under exorbitant conditions that made that country the least likely to invest among all the regions States.

If the war stops now, and you dont go ahead to compete with other war numbers in the world, Her arguments will find out that our national currency and the baptism of our economy have collapsed completely thanks to the technical war blow. And that before the war on his relationship we know it will be a luxury that we cannot yet dream of the complete disruption of the countrys production wheel and the cessation of the movement of the exporter with its timid contributions to equating our national currency position with foreign exchange.

The environment of war is not one conducive to discussing the equations of equitable distribution of power and wealth in the Sudan, but rather adds to this equation the complexities that make it difficult, if not impossible.

The complexities of those created by tribal and territorial alignment and the adoption of dysfunctional criteria for the demarcation of resource allocation are irrelevant to the real remedies to the roots of national economic crises or to addressing them with solutions that compensate the countrys citizens for development and raise their share of national income.

Any new day that we spend in war distances us from the possibility of the national requirements being able to provide solutions to this crisis, which means a call for surgeries used by the international community in such situations, wh In the event of the war that we are in, we must not respond to the pressures of definition and desirable analysis of the letter of cessation of war, which goes to us with the occasion of bias to one side without the other or to cut off the path of an imagined victory. and that it must be understood that a speech of peace is a speech that asks the realization of the remainder of the nation and citizens and that it is a speech that does not leave the national constants in the unity of its institutions, which is designated by the Constitution and whose responsibility and functions it defines, a speech that does not necessarily call for the sewing of this national wound on impunity for war crimes and violations, It is not an area of negative neutrality in which political tactics are followed by indicators of interest.

The war in the Sudan is sufficiently old to make the speech of the cessation of the war clear to the trajectories of the restoration of life in the Sudan and to reduce the costs paid by the country because of the war, which necessarily are not only financial, and whose effects do not depend in the near term, but provide everything that impedes the countrys progress in catching up in development and the well-being of peoples.

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