
Sudan... The need to pay attention to a peaceful past

Walid Al Noor

Sudan is inhabited by hundreds of tribes from which thighs and bellies are subdued. During Turkish colonization from 182‪1 to the fall of Turkish rule and the proclamation of the Mahdia State in 1885, colonialism deliberately divided the country.

The Mahdia State sought to dissolve tribalism so that it divided the army according to the banners in colors: (green, black... etc.). The British colonizer intended to replace nationalism with the tribe and entrenched it in the minds of the Sudanese when he asked for his nationality and returned (by mentioning his tribes name).

But after independence, coexistence prevailed among all these Sudanese tribes. One of the most famous stories of coexistence was between the Misseriya and Ngok Dinka tribes in the Abyei area of West Kordofan State. The Abyei area is currently located on the border between South Sudan and the north of South Sudan, an oil-rich area in terms of resources; Since the Naivasha Convention in 2005, its dependence has not been determined.

The two viewers, Babu Nimer and Deng Mejuk, played a significant role in coexistence, like others, such as that of the Nahud city of Mansour, in the presence of the Darhuman tribes, which is a model of coexistence.

The city of Nahud was and continues to represent a small Sudan, with some tribal-named regions, such as the Shaigiyah region.

Coexistence was not confined to Kordofan alone; The State of Al-Jazeera, central Sudan, gathers a large number of Sudanese tribes. Nazir Al-Shokriyah Awad Al-Karim is famous for knowing wisdom and avoiding friction with colonists and other tribes.

In recent decades, the former regime has deliberately divided mandates on a tribal basis rather than on the population or on resources and the distribution of political power, in order to break the power of political parties. It is a poorly directed theory, the consequences of which have been the ruin of the system of values upon which the Sudanese were raised. The tribe has come to bring their sons, the Jah and the Sultan. Wars have flared, southern Sudan has separated and war has taken place in western Sudan, southern Kordofan and Blue Nile.

The war between the army and rapid support is now entering its sixth month, and the data are coming out with tribal names. Young people of the Sudan have studied your ancestors past and values. Not drifting behind tribal calls and abhorrent tribal or ethnic rallying, they called for coexistence in peace; All our wars tasted woes and ended with leaders shaking hands, sharing power and wealth and distributing smiles in front of the cameras. How do we change this result?

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