
The Civil Front to Stop the War Calls for Accountability for Violations

Meetings of the Coordination and Communication Body of the Civil Front to Stop the War and Restore Democracy, which lasted for two days (September 17 and 18), concluded in the capital, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

The meetings discussed the dire humanitarian conditions caused by the war and the political efforts made to stop it by building a broader civil front of democratic forces opposed to it.

The Front expressed its full condemnation of the grave human rights violations, including killings, occupation of homes and hospitals, looting of property, arrests, abductions, and numerous heinous crimes committed by the Rapid Support Forces, as well as all violations such as the killing and aerial bombardment of civilians and arbitrary arrests carried out by the armed forces. They called for a transparent investigation into these violations and the accountability of all those involved.

The participants emphasized the need to redouble efforts to confront schemes calling for the continuation of the war in order to settle the December revolution, and to confront hate speech and ethnic and regional divisions.

The meeting formed a committee representing all segments of the Front to communicate with all civil democratic forces to accelerate efforts to reach a wider civil front working to end the war and rebuild the state on the principles, values, and objectives of the glorious December revolution.

The participants adhered to the political vision of the components of the Civil Front and worked to develop it with the rest of the civil democratic forces in response to the new reality produced by the April 15th war and its repercussions.

The meeting agreed to establish a national mechanism for damage compensation that includes relevant parties, works to document all the damages caused by the war, and emphasized that any political solution to end it must not undermine the principle of fair and just compensation for all those affected and harmed by this war.

The participants praised the efforts of humanitarian workers from local, regional, and international institutions and organizations, especially the emergency rooms in Khartoum State and all the cities and regions of Sudan, who are working in extremely complex conditions, emphasizing the need to ensure the delivery of aid to its beneficiaries.

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