
(Great Betrayal) in the context of those who claim to belong to the homeland through (affiliation)!

Mohamed Abdel Magid
Mohamed Abdel Magid

Dear colleague Ali Essam, the editor-in-chief of the Rejista website, wrote beautiful words about me on the websites official Facebook page, words that I dont believe I deserve. We are a people who are more concerned with praise than criticism, and I am uncomfortable with compliments, fearing that we may not be worthy of them. I was struck by Ali Essams words about my sincerity, despite the differing opinions about me or what I write these days, and this difference has pleased me more than being described as sincere. Despite the attacks and criticisms that I know have been directed at me personally on many pages and groups, after I was described as a traitor and a great betrayer by the intelligence agency, according to what was published on social media. I dont know the accuracy of those lists that were published under the name The List of Shame, Treachery, and Collusion on the internet, and they threatened us with accountability and punishment after the end of the war. They presented those names saying: Political activists facing charges of (great betrayal), (war against the state), and charges of (igniting the war) and its resulting loss of life, looting, and destruction of private property. These are us!

They left those who loot, rob, carry arms, and call for war and discord and turned towards us, accusing us of lacking patriotism. They want to question us about the (loss of life) while they are the shepherds and we are the flock. We have not written or said anything except (no to war), and we only call for its cessation. Anyone who has evidence or a word in our writings other than that, let them present it. As for those who called for war and demanded destruction and annihilation, they are the heroes, even though they write from abroad and speak from countries whose birds are non-Arabic. They do not know the extent of the suffering that people are enduring due to this accursed war.

To renew the injustice against us and to silence us from writing so that we remain silent or to present our opinions as a result of betraying the homeland or hostility and support for the Rapid Support Forces committing violations on the ground, they published the list again, but instead of the introduction, they said: The General Intelligence Agency has issued a list of ban and travel restrictions that was activated this morning, including thousands of banned names at Port Sudan Airport on the grounds of cooperation with the Rapid Support Forces. These are us!! Oh, how great is God, and God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs.

Are we collaborating with the Rapid Support Forces? Their allies who emerged from the womb of the old regime. We are now in Khartoum, where bullets are at our feet like mosquitoes. Our children are exposed to danger and death. Is this considered collaboration with the Rapid Support Forces, while we firmly believe that only what is written for us will befall us? This is what keeps us going. If we lose our children afterward, God forbid, they will be like those we have lost among the people of Sudan in this war. Also, for personal and logistical reasons, I cannot leave Khartoum. Include us in the list of bans if you will, for we are here to stay and continue. Do we betray the homeland without even ensuring the safety of ourselves and protecting our children from the harm of a war whose bullets do not distinguish between (for and against)? A stray bullet can take your life if the directed bullet does not.


Among the names mentioned are those from the tribe of journalists, names that chose to serve the homeland with the pen in a time when there was no word except for the rifle. They were accused of great betrayal. These names include Faisal Mohamed Saleh, Osman Mirghani, Mortada Elgali, Rasha Awad, Amal Hubani, Sabah Mohamed Al Hassan, Maher Abu Jokh, Shoukri Abdelazim, Luqman Ahmed, and others. I am honored to be among them, in addition to politicians led by Hamdok, Aldaghir, Sallak, Madani, and Wajdi Saleh. The list also included Mazamil Faqiri and Osama Dawood.

They placed us among some names that may have actually collaborated with the Rapid Support Forces until the chapters of the play are completed and personal assassination takes place. They included Hamdok, who was removed from the country by the old regime and fired from his small position. He returned as prime minister after a popular revolution, then he was overthrown by the military who are igniting the war now. They imprisoned him and put him under house arrest for a month, then the military returned him to his position, only for him to resign and leave after addressing the people and apologizing to them. He did this, and they did the same without wielding a rifle or firing a single bullet, even though he survived an assassination attempt when he was prime minister and faced attacks and slander campaigns due to the maintenance of his government residence, which cost no more than three million pounds.

At that time, the regimes media was writing about the price of a liter of milk while Khartoum had turned into a hell, but they are now silent about describing Khartoum as if they were its rulers.

We will continue to stand by the truth without obfuscation or procrastination, even if it comes at a high cost, even if it costs us our lives. There is no strangeness in that, for many who sacrificed for the truth were accused of betrayal, such as Al-Azhari, Al-Mahjoub, Mahjoub Sharif, and Hamid. Intelligence agencies in the Arab world describe the honorable as traitors, collaborators, and mercenaries.

Ismael Al-Azhari, who raised the flag of independence in prison, prevented Prime Minister Mohamed Ahmed Mahjoub from offering condolences for him.

The traitors have big throats, smooth touches, and resonant words. They cannot confront or reveal themselves with opposing views. The traitors are those who received their price for their betrayal, and they received enough reward that allows them to live in European capitals forever, living like kings. Their relationship with the homeland remains through 3-minute appearances on an Arab TV channel to perform acts of obedience and loyalty to those who paid them for betrayal.

They accuse us of (great betrayal) while we belong to the homeland through (affiliation)!!

An old friend named Anwar Al-Batahani called me after an absence of more than seven years, asking me to clarify my position to the readers and respond to the accusations against me. Because defending me has burdened him greatly in the face of the attacks I am subjected to. I felt in his words a genuine and intense anger on my behalf, so I am writing today in response to him, not to vindicate myself, because time will take care of that. Since the Almighty knows what is in hearts, those who fear God have nothing to fear. I am writing for Anwar because he found himself in an embarrassing situation while defending me in the face of the attacks I face.

I told Anwar Al-Batahani, a member of a tribe known for its dignity, strength, and courage, and whose sons engage in confrontations with the Rapid Support Forces, that I am pleased with his defense of me. Because he knows me, and that is enough for me, and I do not want more than that. I do not hold any grudge against those who attack me because they do not know me. I give them an excuse, especially in these charged atmospheres. I also believe that their attack on my person is a result of their love for me, and they do not like to see me in a position where I am not among them. It is just a misunderstanding between me and them. Here I am clarifying my position out of respect and appreciation. As for those who accuse us of betrayal and deliberately slander us, including the intelligence agency if the story is true, we are capable of confronting them and proving the validity of our position, even if it costs us our lives. Between us and them is Allah, the Almighty.


I often say that a writer or journalist who fears expressing their opinion and sharing their viewpoint if it goes against the readers desires is not worthy of writing and does not deserve to wield the pen. Because the pen is a trust, and every word we write will be questioned and held accountable.

We fear being held accountable by the Almighty, not by institutions with no purpose other than serving those in power, those who serve the chairs regardless of who sits in them. We say to the intelligence agency that betraying the nation is seen in persecuting the innocent and the honorable while leaving those who plunder and loot without accountability after Khartoum was violated!

I do not claim that my viewpoint and opinion are correct, but I firmly believe in them, and my purpose is for the public interest. The nation is not served by burying our heads in the sand as the ostrich does, who decided to face the truth by burying its head. My opposition to the war does not mean that I support the Rapid Support Forces, nor does it deny their rebellion and the violations they have committed.

One of the strong reasons for the losses in the war is that the media did not present the truth, believing that serving the nation could be achieved through deceit, sedation, and searching for scapegoats and names to blame for their failures. We welcome sacrificing for the nation and are ready for it, but we will not accept being victims of your hypocrisy and lies.

My other friend, Shendawi Al-Merikhi (Abathar Al-Kadro), used to urge me to attack the Rapid Support Forces and the major violations they commit to prove my innocence and respond to those who attack me. This is a legitimate request, but each sheikh has his own way.

The Rapid Support Forces are indeed a militia, and they have committed many violations, there is no doubt about that, and we have known this since the time of the old regime. However, in this war, I deal with calculated words and avoid anything that could incite strife and ignite the war.

I avoid hate speech, racism, and any news that could have a negative impact on the nation and its unity.

The videos and news that the remnants work hard to spread are intended to explode the volcanoes of anger and ignite Sudan. These bloody videos are dangerous because they pose a threat to civilians in Khartoum. Many of them live in areas near neighborhoods and markets, and even houses controlled by the Rapid Support Forces. Innocent citizens walk among them while the Janjaweed carry their weapons, driven by their childish behavior. Among them are young people who may engage in actions that could lead to death.

What happens on the battlefields, such as killings or violations, should not be shown to the people at this time, as Al-Tayiba TV does.

We should deal with wisdom and discretion in this situation, and do not let the frenzy of social media and all of them who write from outside or safe areas lead the war and direct it.

Foolishness does not build nations, and personal grudges and revenge will only lead us to destruction.

Many news reports are published for media and morale gains, and they are far from the truth, and their harm is even greater. The war has entered its sixth month with no significant progress, except on social media.

The repetitive and theatrical speeches presented by Hassan Ismail, as if he is performing a chapter from the famous play Akl Aish, are not leading us to victory.

Such speeches are outdated and worn out, and Hassan Ismail has not moved beyond the speeches of discussion panels, even though he reached the rank of minister in the old regime when he did nothing but distribute plastic bags when corruption was rampant in the country.

This student speech should be outgrown by Hassan Ismail, who still carries his political adolescence from the time he stood in front of the gate of Imam Al-Sadiq Al-Mahdi. Ismail should forget that he was the last Minister of Information for the old regime. He needs to move on from that. This bliss has passed, and the time has gone.


This media hypocrisy will not lead us to safety, and through it, the army will not achieve victories. Our responsibility is to provide criticism and accurate news, and to direct blame towards the authorities. The country has reached such a level of decline, and the position here is not one of flattery and claiming patriotism through false victories and resonant words.

Why do you applaud while the country is sliding into decline? In my humble journalistic journey, I do not like opinions that come within the context of what the readers demand, and I do not like to ride the wave or write only to fulfill peoples desires just because they want it. Today, I write to clarify my position for those whose judgment has been clouded or led astray by the political agendas that accused us of shame, disgrace, and betrayal. I do not lean towards interpretation or justification, but there is no harm in clarification, as requested, and in belief in our ability to present our viewpoint and defend it.

One of the reasons we are accused of betrayal is that we said No to war, and I still insist and repeat that the only way to end the war is through negotiation and peace. Does this mean an invitation to ignite the war or take lives? If the war continues in the same manner for fifty years, there will be no resolution unless the purpose of this war is to disintegrate Sudan, with the army as the capital in Port Sudan and the Rapid Support Forces as the capital in Khartoum. And for the citizens, there will be only regret and death.

There is no betrayal in our saying No to war, and even Al-Burhan himself described it as a futile war. Hamidti stated that his problem is only with Al-Burhan. The war has entered its sixth month without any decisive outcome, despite claims that the army controls 95% of Khartoum State and the entire government is in Port Sudan. We have lost in this war; we have lost innocent lives, infrastructure, homes have been looted, factories plundered, and everything has come to a halt, including schools, universities, and air travel. On the way to what is even more dangerous, the disintegration and a civil war that leaves no room for reconciliation.

Any military victory will not heal these wounds, so what is the use of victory after the destruction of Omdurman? I am confident that they will eventually turn to negotiations, so why delay it when we are losing more every day? Strangely enough, even though we say No to war and firmly believe that peace is the only available path to end this war, we are accused of igniting the war and taking lives. Meanwhile, the remnants, those who were with the army or the Rapid Support Forces, are profiting from this war and working to ignite its flames, even if their way to do so is by disintegrating Sudan and turning the military war into a civil war, in order to reach power and serve their own interests.

Our betrayal, in their eyes, lies in our attack on the remnants, who found in this war a way to hide their wrongdoings. Caliph Umar ibn Al-Khattab, known for his strength and rigor, refused to engage in the wars of apostasy. Similarly, the Prophets companion Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah, described by the Prophet himself as the trustworthy of the nation, and Salim, the freed slave of Abu Hudhaifah, who the Prophet said, Salim is a righteous man who loves Allah. Some of these companions of the Prophet held the same position during the wars of apostasy.

According to reliable narrations, Umar disliked rushing into battle and advised his commanders to be cautious. He might even appoint a hesitant leader over combat because he rushed into it, as he said to Sulait bin Qais, If you were not hasty in war, I would have appointed you as the leader. There is no good in war, especially when civilians and infrastructure pay the price. It is worth noting that what the Rapid Support Forces are doing in Khartoum now in terms of looting and violations is not surprising because they were raised on such behavior during the old regime. It was natural that we would pay the price in this way.

Freedom and democracy are not achieved in this manner, and the path to them will not be through the barrel of a gun. The Sudanese people have overthrown three military regimes without firing a single bullet, and the army, intelligence agencies, security committee, and police all stood with Al-Bashir. Despite this, the Sudanese people toppled the regime in less than four months while chanting peaceful, peaceful. Now, as we enter the sixth month and with the army on one side, the Rapid Support Forces on the other, and columns of smoke rising, with air raids and artillery, both sides have failed to decisively win the battle.

Another strange thing is that the intelligence agency wants to hold us accountable for advocating peace, while the armed movements participating in the government claim to be neutral.


The Governor of Darfur, Minni Arko Minawi, and the Minister of Finance, Dr. Jibril Ibrahim, have declared their neutrality in a battle between the army and what the government described as a rebel force, and their forces have been dissolved by a presidential decree!

They hold us, the pen holders, accountable while leaving those who bear arms and have declared their neutrality, an integral part of the government, untouched. Even the ostrich does not behave this way.

If advocating for an end to the war, demanding a civilian government, the return of the military to their barracks, and the formation of a unified national army is a crime, then let history witness that I am a criminal. And if this is considered treason, then welcome to treason!

In January 2019, I was suspended by the security and intelligence apparatus from political writing in the Al-Intibaha newspaper, and the suspension extended to my sports writing in Goan newspaper. The suspension lasted for more than three months. Before the fall of the regime, I continued writing online and was pursued by the State Security Prosecution, also accused of treason. I was interrogated after every article I published online, signing declarations that I authored the articles, and I did not deny it but admitted it, believing in what I wrote. I signed more than twelve declarations to that effect. I did this from Khartoum. So what is it that Im hiding now or makes me back down? I have learned that the truth will ultimately prevail, and what remains is what benefits the people, while the chaff will be blown away, just like the ousted regime.

We criticized Hemeti (Mohamed Hamdan Dagalo) and said that the Janjaweed should be disbanded when Hemeti was the second most powerful man in the state, if not the first. We did so when Al-Burhan was defending him, and the media of the ousted regime was courting him and encouraging him to crush the revolutionaries and open the roads and disband the sit-ins (and the archives are available).

I wrote about Hemeti under the title Hemeti, for any Zol (ordinary person), when Hemeti was the head of the Security Committee, the head of the negotiating committee in Juba, the head of the economic committee, the head of the health committee, the head of the national teams committee, or the head of any committee that appeared, including the committee for text approval. Where were you then, and where was Al-Burhan?

I wrote under the title Team of the Void and Team of the House, and the archive is available, and Hemeti is alive and well, before you appeared, and you did not have the courage to criticize him and attack him until they told you that this man is dead and has had his fill of death.

Umar ibn al-Khattab, may Allah be pleased with him, distinguished between truth and falsehood. He was the one whom the Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him, said: Allah has placed the truth upon the tongue and in the heart of Umar. He also said: If there were to be a Prophet after me, it would be Umar ibn al-Khattab. The truth is with Umar wherever he may be. Umar used to say: The intelligent person is not the one who knows the good from the evil, but the one who knows the better of two goods.

You should recognize the better of two goods, which is peace, even if it is considered an evil, instead of waiting for a good that may never come, which is the military resolution of the battle.

The talk has become loud about the formation of two governments. Realize the state of the nation before we offer the funeral prayer for it. May Allah be our refuge. It is finished.
Abu Ibrahim


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