
Counterfeit Gougu Currency Spreads in Khartoum

Counterfeit Sudanese currency, known as Gougu, has spread within the capital, Khartoum, and certain denominations of it have made their way into neighboring states, away from the watchful eye of authorities.

Counterfeit currency notes of 1000 and 500 Sudanese pounds have surfaced among traders, some of which lack consecutive serial numbers, while others lack a signature. Additionally, the colors of these counterfeit notes appear faded.

Sales outlets for food and commercial stores, alongside local markets, are the areas where this unknown source counterfeit currency Gougu is most active.

Hassan Al-Berry, the owner of a restaurant in the East Nile area, confirmed the widespread presence of counterfeit currency, stating that they sometimes unknowingly accept counterfeit notes from their customers, including innocent individuals who cannot distinguish between genuine and counterfeit currency. He mentioned that they have gained enough experience in the market to deal properly with such situations.

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