
Three Cholera Deaths in Al-Haj Youssef Area

Al-Haj Youssef - moatinoon
Three people out of 11 who were infected with watery diarrhea, known as cholera, in the Al-Haj Youssef suburb east of the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, have died.

Medical sources in the Al-Haj Youssef area, east of the Nile, confirmed three fatalities among residents in the Al-Barka neighborhood and the Al-Fayhaa administrative unit. More than 10 cases of watery diarrhea have been admitted to the new government hospital in Al-Ban, some of which were transferred from health centers within the neighborhoods in the area.

The medical office of the Emergency Room in Al-Haj Youssef called on organizations, especially Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors Without Borders), active in the region, to intervene urgently and distribute a cholera prevention protocol to limit its spread.

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