
Red Sea Youth Launch Gedaref Al-Khair Initiative and Doctors Warn of Disease Outbreaks

Young peoples groups in Red Sea State have launched a campaign (the Gedref Al-Khair Initiative) to counter the repercussions of the spread of dengue in Gedaref State. The campaign appealed to all spheres of Sudanese society, volunteers in the State and Sudanese abroad to take responsibility for the health repercussions faced by Al-Gedarefs citizens as a result of the spread of the disease.

For its part, the Pre-Commission of the Sudan Doctors Union has launched new warnings about the outbreak of dengue, cholera and measles diseases in a number of states in the Sudan.

According to the committee, the official statistics of the Federal Ministry of Health recorded 3398 cases of dengue in the states of Qadarif, the Red Sea, North Kordofan and Khartoum, from April 15 to mid-September, but the number of suspected cases reached hospitals in Qadarif state alone was 484, including 330 positive cases.

The Federal Ministry of Health reports confirmed cholera outbreaks in the states of Gedaref and Southern Kordofan, with 562 infections and 18 deaths.

The Commission stated that the widespread prevalence of dengue and cholera, including measles, malaria and fears of other disease and epidemiological indicators, underscored the fragility of the health system in states that had not been affected by the war and raised alarms.

She reiterated her call on the parties to the conflict to stop this war and appealed to regional and international health organizations and United Nations bodies to help and assist.

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