
New US sanctions targeting Sudans war heads

The United States Department of State said yesterday evening that the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) of the United States Treasury Department targeted two entities and individuals for their role in undermining peace, security and stability in the Sudan.

The United States State stated in its statement that various actors, including the Secretary-General of the Islamic Movement, Ali Karti, who was classified today, Steps have been taken to undermine Sudans efforts to establish civilian and democratic rule since the peaceful overthrow of Omar al-Bashir by the Sudanese people in April 2019, adding that Ali Kartis actions have hampered efforts to reach a ceasefire to end the current conflict between the Sudanese armed forces and the Rapid Support Forces. It opposed Sudans civilian efforts to resume the stalled democratic transition in the Sudan.

For his part, Treasury Undersecretary for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence, Brian E. Nelson, said: Todays action holds responsibility for those who have weakened efforts to find a peaceful and democratic solution in the Sudan, adding, We will continue to target the actors that perpetuate this conflict for personal gain”.

OFAC lists these persons in accordance with Executive Order 14098, which targets people who destabilize the Sudan and undermine the goal of democratization.

Ali Karti was a foreign minister in Omar al-Bashirs government. After the fall of al-Bashirs regime, Karti was chosen as the leader of the Sudanese Islamic Movement. He led efforts to block the Sudans progress towards full democratic transition, including by undermining the former civilian-led transitional Government and the political framework.

GSK, owned by the Rapid Support Militia and Al Dagalo, was banned by the US Treasury today, supplied military intelligence with all the revolutionary information after the 25 October coup, the main servant of the spy network against civilians and the forces of the revolution, and the most important actor in locating and data of the revolutionaries. Its first victim was martyr Baha a Nouri, and dozens of martyrs were resistance committees, according to intelligence sources.

American sanctions on the Secretary-General of the Islamic Movement Ali Karti have provoked wide reactions, central Sudanese. Many activists expressed satisfaction that the United States Administration was going to the right direction by imposing sanctions on the leadership of the organization accused of sparking the 15 April war and implicating the Sudanese military.

Meanwhile, the Islamic Movement issued an emotional statement describing the United States sanctions as a pendant of honour in the chest of its Secretary-General, who stood himself and his money for the homeland.

the statement added (it is not surprising that the United States of America is seeking its unjust decisions and standing in the wrong row at an important time in the Sudans history).

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