
Challenges of Building the New Political System in Sudan - Part 3 of 3

By Montaser Ibrahim

The discussion about establishing a sound constitutional foundation must take a significant place in the public discourse regarding the restoration of the transition and democratic transformation in Sudan. This process should occur once as part of the establishment and construction of the new political system, ensuring its sustainability and stability. This process necessitates the crystallization of the political forces necessary for its establishment. Political power is built upon a foundation of political culture, which encompasses the values and political traditions that guide and direct the political system.

The new political system must be clearly identified as fundamentally distinct from the previous political system in its values and traditions. This should not be a difficult or complicated task that can be bypassed or neglected. Political forces should become more democratic and institutionalized, providing a clearer representation of the interests of the social forces that fought for change. They should focus on building the future on an equal footing while addressing the challenges of the present. This can only be achieved by placing the lessons of the past before them to draw insights and lessons.

One of the most prominent challenges of building the new political system in Sudan lies in the challenge of building and sustaining peace. This process must be clearly and comprehensively outlined within the constitutional framework of the political system. It involves directing all the resources of the system toward peace-building, reconciliation, and transitional justice, accompanied by development efforts since these elements are interdependent and must work together to build a sustainable and stable political system that responds to all challenges through a cohesive national integration.

The challenge of transitioning from a previous political system to a new one is complex and arduous, with its challenges and complexities not to be underestimated. However, with the awareness and commitment of the political forces responsible for building the new political system, these challenges and complexities can be overcome and addressed. Here, the awareness of the Renaissance and its requirements, coupled with the necessary political will, is essential. Based on historical experience, we highlight that one of the major challenges in shaping the necessary political culture for building political forces is the issue of corruption. This phenomenon is deeply rooted in the political culture of the previous system, as it was an integral cultural, social, and political structure. It must be dismantled, criticized, and deconstructed to establish a new, anti-corruption political culture clearly.

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