
Igniting War: A Source of Pride for the Dissolved Nationalists and a Badge of Honor for Karti!

Mohamed Abdel Magid
Mohamed Abdel Magid

Mohamed Abdel Magid

The role played by the dissolved National Congress Party and the symbols of the ousted regime in the outbreak and perpetuation of the war until our time is clear and evident, a disgraceful matter with no ambiguity. The dissolved National Congress Party began its movements before the October 25th coup, and it was the main reason behind its occurrence. Their actions and political malice culminated in igniting the war between the army and the Rapid Support Forces after they succeeded in overthrowing the Hamdok government and sidelining the civilian component on October 25th, creating space for the military-military conflict that erupted on April 15th last year.

The actions of the symbols of the ousted regime for the sake of war were clear. These actions reached their peak during the Ramadan iftar events organized by the Islamists, ultimately leading to the explosion at the end of last Ramadan in a war that left nothing standing.

Prominent leader of the Peoples Congress Kamal Omar said in one of his recent interviews, while speaking about the framework agreement that was supposed to be signed on April 6th, an agreement known for its cunning nature (To be honest, this story went smoothly, but there is a third party, the dissolved National Congress Party, the main reason for igniting the war. This became evident through the mobilization that accompanied the month of Ramadan in the wide Islamic current, and before that, the Peoples Congress had an opinion on what is known as the Islamic current).

These insinuations and actions of the dissolved National Congress Party, which were not unknown to anyone, were confirmed by the United States when it observed Ali Kartis role in this war and imposed sanctions on him.

Ali Karti, who came to the Islamic movement as a coordinator or recruiter in the Popular Defense, suddenly became the Minister of Foreign Affairs and monopolized iron and established cement factories and seized land, the number of which reached 99 pieces of land. When Karti lost these privileges, he turned to igniting the war in Sudan.

Kartis Actions at Seventy: Indifferent to the Victims of War

Ali Kartis actions at the age of seventy show that he is indifferent to the victims of war and the deaths of innocents mean nothing to him. Neither the tears of refugees nor the blood of those who have chosen to stay in their homes under artillery shelling by the Rapid Support Forces and aerial bombardment by the army move him.

When former Prime Minister Dr. Abdullah Hamdok addressed the United Nations in objection to their invitation to the Chairman of the Sovereignty Council, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan, the dissolved National Congress Party, the media of the ousted regime, and their supporters considered it a transgression by the prime minister they overthrew. They re-emerged on social media after the October 25th coup. Their activity and media presence increased after the April 15th war, allowing them to play the nationalist card and wage war against the Janjaweed, a military organization they invented themselves. They reached a level of audacity where they considered Hamdoks address to the United Nations and his objection, despite being the one they overthrew, as betrayal. At the same time, the dissolved National Congress Party issued an official statement, considering the U.S. sanctions on Ali Karti as a source of pride, while the Islamic movement stated that these sanctions were an honor on the mans chest.

Accusing them of igniting the war and their involvement in it, they consider it a source of pride among themselves and a badge of honor on Kartis chest! They see no difference between honor and disgrace if their account of it is anything to go by.

This talk undermines the sanctions imposed on Abdelrahim Dagalo and six companies affiliated with the Rapid Support Forces, which could lead the leaders of those militias to react in a similar manner to the dissolved National Congress Party, considering U.S. sanctions as a source of pride and a badge of honor on their chests!

The strange irony is that the dissolved National Congress Party celebrated these sanctions imposed on the Rapid Support Forces, and when these sanctions touched the former Foreign Minister and Secretary-General of the Muslim Brotherhood, Ali Karti, they considered them a badge of honor on his chest. Is this the way politics works? Do its germs have the ability to manipulate positions and paint them in a way that makes igniting a war a badge of honor they brag about?

Does the dissolved National Congress Party consider being accused of igniting the war and working to prevent its cessation a source of pride for them? It seems that we have reached a state of complete consonance with the saying: The fault lies with the one who finds fault. Moreover, the dissolved National Congress Party goes even further and considers this fault as a badge of honor on the mans chest. What a shame!

Igniting the war as a badge of honor on Ali Kartis chest! How astonishing!

Such a notion can only be accepted if the chest that considers igniting the war a badge of honor is filled with malice, hatred, and injustice towards this beautiful country.

As Imam Muhammad Abdu once said: I seek refuge in Allah from politics, from the term politician, from the meaning of politics, from every letter uttered in the word politics, from every thought that passes through the mind regarding politics, and from anyone who speaks, learns, advocates, or comprehends politics, who governs, conspires, whispers, or is whispered to.

The dissolved National Congress Party confirms the dirtiness of politics, emphasizes it, and indeed makes us seek refuge from it. And before that, we seek refuge from the dissolved National Congress Party itself.

The Actions of Symbols of the Defunct Regime: Sabotaging Peace and Inciting War

The actions of symbols of the defunct regime and its media were not just aimed at causing war, withdrawal, or hiding after that. Their actions were a continuous effort to thwart all initiatives and negotiations that could lead to peace. Furthermore, they went even further by striving to turn this political war into a civil war. They kept kindling the flames of discord and fueling odious racism and hate speech to set the whole of Sudan ablaze, with no concern for the nation thereafter.

The planning of the National Congress Party could potentially lead to the division and fragmentation of Sudan. They might view this as a strategic goal. Look at their speeches and attacks on anyone advocating for peace and calling for an end to the war whose cost is paid by innocents while they ignite it from the outside. According to them, treason lies in advocating for peace, while nationalism and struggle are found in calling for war. They attempted to load the Sudanese peoples conscience with injustice and malice to reach their own objectives.

Nations are not built through wars; they are built through peace. Destruction and devastation do not bring about development. Hatred only begets destruction and loss.

Whats unfortunate is that despite all the fragmentation and the situation faced by the people of Sudan both inside and outside the country, General Abdel Fattah al-Burhan seems to be only concerned with disassociating the dissolved National Congress Party from the war and increasing its escalation. Al-Burhan has consistently defended the National Congress Party and denied accusations against symbols of the ousted regime in all his speeches since leaving Khartoum. This confirms the accusation rather than refutes it.

The involvement of the National Congress Party in this war is undeniable. Their claim that it is a source of pride and a badge of honor on their Secretary-Generals chest speaks volumes. There is no stronger evidence than their persistent rejection of peace, as they advocate for war with lofty nationalist slogans, which they only interpret to serve their own interests, even at the expense of the countrys security and stability.

No to war.
No to the dissolved National Congress Party.
No to the Janjaweed.
Its over!
Abu Ibrahim

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