
Sudan: Attorney Generals Memorandum Paves the Way for Arrests of Journalists and Politicians

Khartoum - moatinoon

The Sudanese Attorney General, Khalifa Ahmed Khalifa, revealed in statements last week that he had issued an arrest warrant for 250 politicians, journalists, and activists for their collaboration with the Rapid Support Forces.

The Attorney General and the head of the Committee for Investigating War Crimes and Violations by the Rapid Support Forces stated that the committee is working on procedures related to the extradition of Rapid Support Forces leaders and their collaborators who are outside Sudan in coordination with Interpol.

Sudanese human rights activists fear that the prosecution might exploit the conditions of war for further political repression and settling scores with opponents of the de facto authorities. They warned of the return of practices from the former regime, which included arresting political activists, journalists, and members of resistance committees to suppress the December Revolutions momentum.

Meanwhile, the Sudanese Journalists Network announced its rejection of any restrictions on press freedom and freedom of expression, as well as any forms of intimidation, and attempts to sow division and discord among journalists. In response to the Sudanese Attorney Generals statements, the network highlighted that it has been monitoring attempts since the beginning of the armed conflict between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces to include journalists names in sourceless lists, accusing some of them of belonging to one of the conflict parties.

Yesterday, we saw statements from the Attorney General Khalifa Ahmed Khalifa announcing a decision to arrest 250 people, including journalists, on charges of affiliating with the Rapid Support Forces.

The network condemned these hasty decisions that are not based on law or proper investigation. These decisions are reminiscent of the ones issued by judicial institutions under the former regime against newspapers and journalists. They did not serve justice but rather led to the judicial pursuit of journalists on fabricated charges and unjust sentences, according to the statement.

It seems that the same scenario is unfolding again, just when calls for ending the war, stopping the bloodshed, addressing the wounded, and delivering humanitarian aid to the displaced are growing louder as top priorities and duties of the existing authorities. The Attorney General is issuing such arbitrary decisions, which are no more than a facade for terrorizing journalists who are at the heart of events, preventing them from carrying out their duty to follow and cover events and convey information to the public.

Sudanese journalists, activists, and politicians are facing extremely difficult circumstances due to displacement and homelessness, as most of them have had their homes occupied, leaving them with no refuge except shelters and displacement centers. Some are still in Khartoum, under siege and subjected to tear gas and aerial bombardment.

Since the outbreak of the Khartoum war, a number of journalists and political activists have been killed, and others have been arrested in various Sudanese states.

Military intelligence and the intelligence of the Rapid Support Forces are tightening the noose around citizens, refusing to provide safe corridors for humanitarian work.

Various cities in Sudan, which have not been directly affected by the war, are witnessing widespread arrests and restrictions on civil society, activists, and volunteers.

In the state of Sinnar, military intelligence arrested several members of the Freedom and Change Alliance during celebrations of the Prophets birthday, according to a statement issued by the Central Council of the Freedom and Change Alliance in Sinnar state.

Last Thursday, military intelligence in Shendi city arrested a number of male and female activists for three days and forced them to sign an undertaking not to engage in humanitarian activities again before releasing them.

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