
Neutral (Struggle) Movements!

Mohamed Abdulmajid
Mohamed Abdulmajid

Mohamed Abdulmajid

The statements of Moni Arko Minawi and his recent contradictions made me return to the book of the late Hassan Sati (The Missing Speech), which was published in 1988 during the third democratic period. Sati says in one of his books chapters (perhaps the kind reader knows that Hitler was one of the believers in the big lie, and he used it in his book (My Struggle), where he stated: (if the lie is a big lie and repeated sufficiently, the masses will at least partially believe it, as most people lack the necessary perspective to realize that repeating statements doesnt mean they are true).

Many lies are being told and repeated at this time, and the Sudanese nation and the masses are required to believe that lie, even if the person uttering it is Moni Arko Minawi, who often believed himself.

And it is no wonder that Hitler has a book titled (My Struggle) where he talks about his heroics and struggles! He is one of the most famous generals of bloody wars and battles in history.

The governor of the Darfur region, Moni Arko Minawi, still declares in all his speeches and statements that he stands in a (neutral) position in the war between the army and the Rapid Support Forces. He still denies supporting the army, despite the fact that the authority in which Moni Arko Minawi holds the position (Governor of Darfur Region), a region witnessing fierce battles between the army and the Rapid Support Forces, announced in more than one forum and through the head of the Sovereignty Council and the General Commander of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, through a clear and explicit republican decree, the rebellion of the Rapid Support Forces and described it as betrayal and mercenaries.

Moni Arko Minawi did not feel embarrassed or ashamed to deny cooperation with the army after the Rapid Support Forces accused the joint forces of providing support to the army and supplying it with weapons. Minawi or his representative came out with a statement, similar to an apology to the Rapid Support Forces, in a situation close to (pleading) to the Rapid Support Forces, which the head of the Sovereignty Council described as a rebellion, breaking the law, and declaring war on them.

Look at what the Sudan Tribune website published about the spokesman for the joint force trying to embellish Minawis position before the Rapid Support Forces in a statement closer to begging and explicit flirting. The Sudan Tribune reported (Meanwhile, the spokesman for the joint force for the armed struggle movements, Ahmed Hussein, told Sudan Tribune that the talk about accusing them of transporting supplies and ammunition to the command of the 6th Infantry Division in North Darfur state is a false accusation that goes back to the one who launched it. He reiterated their neutral position on the war and not supporting any party to the military conflict. He pointed out that the joint force has been in a state of continuous coordination with both parties to the fighting, and its mission is limited to protecting and transporting food and medicine to the people of Darfur. He also denied the accusations against them of evacuating Brigadier General Bakheit Dabjo, Deputy Commander of the 6th Infantry Division, and Director of the General Intelligence Service in North Darfur State. He continued: Minawi met with General Dabjo in Port Sudan and did not accompany him when he left Al-Fasher. Given the long-standing companionship, since Dabjo was once Deputy Commander of the Sudan Liberation Army, it is natural for them to meet and discuss issues of interest to the region).

The spokesman for the joint forces tells us Minawis story to distance him from supporting the army, after considering that support a (false accusation)!!
Despite all this (pleading), Minawi denied that some leaders of the Forces of Freedom and Change had met with the second commander of the Rapid Support Forces, Abdul Rahim Daglo, before the war broke out on April 14, when the Forces of Freedom and Change were moving between the army and the Rapid Support Forces to avert strife and work to quell the fire of war before it ignited.

The governor of Darfur region, who is funded by the Sudanese government and supports his (armed) or (neutral) movement, chose (neutrality) in battles taking place in Khartoum and most states of Darfur, extending to some states of Kordofan and the White Nile. The government declares general mobilization and opens volunteering camps for civilians, students, and employees, while the armed movements take a (neutral) position in that war.

Moni Arko Minawi, who objected to the movements of the Forces of Freedom and Change before the war broke out in an attempt to quench it, did not criticize the movements of the Islamic movement and the actions of the symbols of the defunct regime to ignite the war, including the meeting of some leaders of the Islamic movement with the General Commander of the Armed Forces according to the Sudan Tribune, which confirmed the meeting of Ali Karti with the head of the Sovereignty Council in Port Sudan, as stated in Sudan Tribune (consistent sources said that leaders in the Islamic movement, led by the General Secretary of the organization, held a lengthy meeting with the commander of the Sudanese army and the head of the Sovereignty Council, Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan, in Port Sudan, eastern Sudan, discussing options for dealing with the ongoing war between the army and the Rapid Support Forces. According to sources that spoke to Sudan Tribune, a group of leaders of the Islamic movement urged Al-Burhan to avoid any negotiating path to end the war. The sources confirmed that Karti called on Al-Burhan during the meeting that took place last week to continue fighting and pledged to supply the army with thousands of mobilized fighters since the organization has thrown its full weight to resolve the war with the Rapid Support Forces. The leadership of the Islamists assured Al-Burhan that Ahmed Haroun, the leader of the dissolved National Congress Party and wanted by the International Criminal Court, is working hard to mobilize the youth to join the army in its battles in Khartoum, which requires patience and continued fighting. Dozens of camps were opened to train volunteer youth in several states after a call by the army commander Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan earlier, and video clips showed leaders affiliated with the Islamic movement addressing the mobilized to encourage them to fight).

New reports indicated a meeting of Al-Burhan in Al-Shamaliyah with other leaders of the Islamic movement, including Ahmed Haroun, alongside Ali Karti. The coming days may witness the appearance of Salah Gosh unless what is between him and the Islamic movement is spoiled.

What is Minawis comment on these reports as he tries to ignite the war against (the Forces of Freedom and Change), and claims to hold Khaled Silk accountable for a war in which he declared (neutrality)?

Minawi, with all his bravado aimed only at (the Forces of Freedom and Change), has not yet issued any condemnation of the violations committed by the Rapid Support Forces in Khartoum or Darfur, despite the Forces of Freedom and Change condemning those violations in more than one statement. Minawi also did not criticize the clear role of the former regime in igniting this war.

Ali Kartis guilt and significant role in the conflict between the army and the Rapid Support Forces have been established by the United States, which imposed sanctions on him and threatened others while hinting at revealing them later. Leaders of the former regime worked to ignite this war, thinking that they could harvest the grapes from the wreckage of this war that is wreaking havoc in Sudan.

However, we must commend the recent statements by the head of the Revolutionary Front and the member of the Sovereign Council, Dr. Hadi Idris, which were conveyed by numerous agencies and satellite channels, where it was stated: (Idris accused parties of deliberately obstructing the implementation of the agreement, by creating obstacles and an unfavorable environment for its implementation, considering the most prominent of these obstacles what he called the October 25 coup).

He also pointed out that (there are parties that belong to the former regime, which were not interested in advancing the political process and reaching solutions that lead to the stability of the country, and they will not allow the framework agreement to reach its goal, so they cut the road to reaching a decisive agreement that ends the era of wars and puts our country on the threshold of political stability, so they ignited the war), holding both parties of the conflict fully responsible.

Idris continued: (They are not neutral; rather, they are biased towards the option of stopping the war to alleviate the suffering of the Sudanese people and build a new foundation for Sudan), confirming that (there is no way out of the crisis except through the negotiating solution through the Jeddah platform to reach a rapid ceasefire and restore the political process, facilitated by IGAD, neighboring countries, and the African Union).

Idris announced (the readiness of the Revolutionary Front to continue its mediation efforts between the parties to the conflict and to bridge the gap, given the leadership of the Fronts knowledge and communication with the parties to the conflict).

We also commend the positions of the Justice and Equality Movement after the election of Sandal as president, and praise the clear positions of Ahmed Tugod after he considered that the war began from the October 25 coup.

These statements are courageous and responsible, and they are the ones that can lead us to salvation, resolution, and peace; everyone must know that, including the head of the Sovereign Council, First Lieutenant General Abdel Fattah Al-Burhan.

If we do not confront the war with this vision, courage, and clarity, this war will not end.

The former regime is behind this war, and it is working to prolong it. We affirm our appreciation for the great sacrifices offered by the army and its brave heroes in a war they were pushed into.
May Allah help us.

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