
The necessary demands for the transition to a sustainable and just peace in the Sudan

Civil Education Brochure on Peace, the Constitution and Elections
Prepare: Road Center, August 2021
Translated by moatinoon
Peace pillars provide the framework for assessing the positive factors that create a peaceful society. Societies with a high degree of peace are more resilient to external economic, geographical, political or natural disasters. The cornerstones of the transition to a sustainable and just peace are a rational and highly competent government, a sound working environment, a fair distribution of resources, respect for and acceptance of the rights of others, good neighbourly relations, easy flow of information and fighting corruption as well as a good level of human capital.
These concentrations are associated with conflict-free environments and depend on each other and strengthen each other, as improvement in any one of them strengthens the other and vice versa. For example, widespread and increasing corruption in a given society affects the professional performance of government and business and the free flow of information.
What do we mean by good government?
Good Government: Governments effectiveness is linked by its control over activities and the rule of law. There is a close link between good government and the well-being of society and peace, especially since good government has to provide the basic social services that society needs as well as the mechanisms that promote security, the rule of law and accountability for societys well-being. This makes society more confident and reacts positively to government projects. Good government provides the requirements for the safety of the working environment, ensuring the equitable distribution of resources, spreading the culture of respect for the rights of others, the integrity of neighbourly relations and transparency in the proceedings, as well as developing and building the capacity of the human frameworks of the state.
A sound working environment: It is important in the peace process, where the creation of employment opportunities especially for young people contributes to security and economic, social and political stability. The working environment is linked to good government with high efficiency and professionalism, transparency, respect for others rights, low level of corruption and availability of qualified and trained human capital.
Equitable distribution of resources. Equity in access to resources shows the degree to which individuals and groups are treated fairly regardless of their personal characteristics such as social status, sex, religion or gender. The way in which opportunities and resources are distributed across society can show how individuals and groups easily access resources and services such as land, water, education, health care and justice institutions. All of these contribute significantly to human development. Because the term justice differs from one State to another, and what is considered fair and equitable in one State may not be considered equitable and just in another.
Respecting and accepting the rights of others: Recognizing and respecting the rights of others is a process involving all official institutions that work to guarantee fundamental rights and freedoms, as well as informal social and cultural institutions associated with citizens behaviour. These factors are related to the degree of acceptance among different ethnic, linguistic, religious, economic and social groups within the State. This process is related to the intensity and durability of social networking and social relationships and thus enhancing the sense of social well-being and flexibility. This is linked to the assessment and measurement of the degree of tolerance of others rights associated with the peace process, particularly in conflict-affected areas.
Good neighbourly relations: Although this anchor appears to be linked to the acceptance of the rights of others, it differs from the fact that it measures the quality of the relationship between groups within a State and the States relationship with its neighbors and regional and international institutions. Moreover, acceptance of others rights is more linked to the process of recognizing the rights of other individuals rather than to interaction between groups. States with good internal and regional relations are more qualified for economic integration and less vulnerable to conflict, less incentive to crime and better suited to ensuring productive regional relations. Weak regional relations are inherent in the high proportion of arms purchases, personal insurance services, the proliferation of heavy personal weapons and the large movement of displacement.
Freedom of information flow and the fight against corruption: Freedom of information flow is important for promoting peace in society. Correct and well-informed information establishes market freedom, improves human capital, ensures transparency of government decisions and improves judicial and government decisions. The free flow of information shows how citizens have access to information, including whether the media is free and independent? The extent of citizens participation in the political process through access to diverse information through the free use of the Internet and the ease of being able to express political views. Free flow and impartial dissemination of information that will make governments more responsible, move economic actors, enable civil society to participate in political processes and express opinion without fear or injustice.
Corruption differs in its concept: corruption in its most basic form means exploiting the situation to obtain undue privileges. This may include a number of channels of corruption, such as government officials who use bribes or even political candidates who bribe voters. Corruption creates conflicts and societal tensions and undermines peaceful coexistence, when corruption enables minorities to obtain privileges to exploit rich resources at the expense of the majority. There is an inverse correlation between the flow of information and the spread of corruption. If, for example, the ordinary citizen could have access to information on budgets, government funding and disbursements, corruption could be difficult, since any unlawful conduct in public finance could be detected.
Qualified human capital: Human capital shows the countrys balance of skills, knowledge and behaviors. Human capital includes individuals health and behaviors that directly affect their contribution to the degree of society. In general, the high degree of human capital such as health and education tends to increase social cohesion, economic development and peace. A World Bank study revealed that a large number of those engaged in rebellion against Governments in a number of States were due to their lack of access to employment and qualification. This study is also supported by other studies indicating that States with a large number of unemployed youth are at greater risk of conflict. There is a close correlation between the high level of education and health and the prevalence of a culture of peace in society.

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