
Rapid Support Forces Arrest Three Human Rights Activists in West Omdurman

A number of observers said that lawyers and human rights activists have become a target in the Sudanese conflict since last April, especially in the fighting areas in Darfur and Khartoum.

Several Sudanese lawyers lost their lives due to bullets and shells in Nyala, Geneina, and Khartoum, and many of them were arrested and taken by elements dressed in Rapid Support Forces uniforms to unknown locations.

The Interim Committee of the Sudanese Lawyers Syndicate (Omdurman Branch) said on Saturday, that an armed force belonging to the Rapid Support Forces stormed the office of lawyer Jalaluddin Al-Haj Al-Noor in the 14th neighborhood of Omdurman, at the Krour intersection, on the evening of October 8, 2023. Consequently, the lawyers Jalaluddin Al-Haj Al-Noor, Abdullah Abdul Rahman Hassan, and Al-Muaz Ahmed Adam Banjo were arrested and taken to an unknown destination without any clear reason and without knowing the details that led to their arrest.

The Omdurman branch of the Sudanese Lawyers Syndicate condemned this behavior, and strongly denounced it as a blatant violation of the rules of international humanitarian law, which always focuses on the protection of unarmed civilians who do not participate in combat operations, and focuses on the protection of human rights activists who are the most vulnerable to arrests.

The branch said that this represents a war crime, which exposes its perpetrators to prosecution before international criminal courts. It warned in a statement that citizens received a copy of that the recent period has seen the arrests of lawyers and human rights activists.

The branch called on the party that arrested them to release them immediately without any conditions or restrictions.

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