
Karti is over a hot tin

Abdullah Rizk Abusimaza
The sanctions imposed on the Secretary-General of the Islamic Movement by the United States Treasury, Karti, for his role in obstructing the transition and aborting the endeavours to stop the war is not without purposes. It once again highlights the Islamic Movement as an authentic actor and partner in the countrys crisis. It should be noted that the Islamic movement, a super organization involving the leaders of Islamists, is an entity other than the National Dissolved Congress. Although it was an illegal organization, not registered under any law governing political and other succession, it continued to pervert the States resources.

Apart from the assumption that the penalty is originally intended to be General Abdul Fatah al-Burhan, it contributes to the re-positioning of the Islamic movement in the political landscape since 25 October 2021, at least with its international recognition, for the first time, of an influential role, which has remained hidden and averse, although the movement was not entirely absent from the political landscape. It was thus able to re-read it in a different way to determine the map of political and social conflict and the positions of various forces. It also highlights the army leaderships relationship, represented by General Abdul Fatah al-Burhan, with the Islamic movement. It therefore provides a new revelation that contributes to the re-reading of the political behaviour of the army leadership since April 11, 2019. Although the 25 October reply, it contributed to exposing the allegiance of the coup component of the Islamic Movements program, and identifying it with its full orientation.

The sanctions of Karti, along with its symbolism, is a turning point in Americas relations with the Islamists of the Sudan, which may tend to include the Islamic movement in movements classified as terrorist movements, such as Al-Qaida and ISIS. Since the United States raid on Al-Shifa factory in Khartoum, Khartoum, in the beginning of the United States global war on what it calls global terrorism, those relations have been steadily converging since Bashirs era.

In a rare press statement, the spy chief said, Cooperation with America saved the Sudan, while diplomacy engaged in normalization jihad with Washington.

The coup d état rearranged the map of the conflict as it had been since 1989 by disengaging and recounting the trenches, between the forces of revolution and democracy on the one hand, and the forces of apostasy and counter-revolution, on the other, in its preliminary form: Burhan - the Islamic movement against the forces of freedom and change, mainly. On its margins, the Al-Burhan and the Islamic movement clash with rapid support, and the Al-Burhan clash with the militant wing of the Islamic movement.

This review of the role of the Islamic movement and its relationship to all political developments, accompanying the revolution since its outbreak, will contribute to the reconsideration of the peace settlement projects put forward since 25 October 2021, particularly those issued by the international quartet, based on the reconstruction of the partnership between the two components, civil and military, as a cornerstone of that settlement, which was elaborated in the draft framework agreement and its final horizon.

Based on that sanction, Islamic regulation would not be part of the peace industry and of political arrangements to restore a civilian-led democratic transition. However, the characterization of stringent regulation may, in theory, allow for another moderate assimilation. However, Jeddahs platform will have to absorb the imperative of dismantling the dominance of Islamists in all organs of the State, primarily the regular forces, to ensure the sustainability of peace and secure democratic transformation.

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