
Cessation of war imposed on others

Wael Mahjoub
• The war entered its seventh month, and the voices of those calling for its continuation have dimmed. Disinformation and manipulation campaigns have declined, revealing the magnitude of death, destruction and destruction. which is not covered or obscured by the smoke of military battles, and the inability of the parties to take control, And a decisive and definitive victory, and after what was hidden and we kept happening, About the fingers of the systems defunct remnants in their incitement and in their course and trying to rise across it to take full control of power on the back of the army, Just as their legitimate childs propaganda debunked rapid support, and his quest for power with irrelevant democratic claims, Its crimes collide with its requirements, and the heavy casualties caused by the war appear to be worse on the belligerents and on civilians.

• The cessation of the war, the end of the tampering with the country, its unity and the integrity of its lands, and the preservation of the blood of its people, imposed in advance on others. The way to achieve this is through a Sudanese collective consensus that rejects it and is able to impose its vision of stopping it and radically ending its causes.

• Six months after the outbreak of the war, it was made clear that different forces could not carry this heavy burden. Without reference from the regional and international communities, it has nothing to do with imposing the option of stopping them, With the exceptional circumstances and conditions exploited by the parties to the war, to suppress and punish the efforts of civil political action, Rejecting the war inside the Sudan, by pursuing, arresting and directly targeting, and the crucial role of the outside has become clear s will , which has the power to pressure and impose its will on both sides of the war.

• So at the moment it is more useful for different forces to deal with the realities of reality and the enormous responsibilities I have given, foremost among them, to come together with the will of the international and regional community seeking to stop the war. to present a Sudanese vision guiding these efforts to the benefit of the people and not to revert to them, constructive interaction with regional and international positions, grouped on linking the cessation of war to the handover of power to a civilian government, The militarys exit from power and military reform leading to the removal of politicized elements, and the formulation of a new military doctrine, ending the presence of rapid support and all movements and militias, After identifying and prosecuting the elements involved in war crimes, in order to reach a unified national army, and the return of leaders of the existing prison system and extradition to the International Criminal Court.

• Recurrent talk of non-participation of civilians in ceasefire negotiations is the wrong entry point for dealing with the issue of cessation of war and ending the militarization of the State, It will return everyone to the same situation that the leaders of the Security Committee have previously sought through the constitutional document when they removed civilians from discussing the issues of uniformed forces and monopolized their decision-making power to themselves and rejected any link with the civilian Government and its reform, and we ended up in this devastating war.

• The issue of a permanent ceasefire and associated security arrangements political and civil forces must be a party to it . as its absence will once again open the way to inadequate remedies that neglect the grave violations, war crimes and crimes against humanity resulting from this war, Those who are considered to be looted, deprived and destroyed by citizens in their possessions and personal property assistance and humanitarian support to those affected on the ground .

• The untenable requirement to stop this ruin and destruction and having clear perceptions of the process of rebuilding and reconstructing the devastated war, This task cannot be accomplished without Sudans international and regional support. The New Partnership for Africa Presenting a unified and agreed Sudanese vision, prepared by specialists in all areas, through which priorities are set in this framework.

• A Sudanese national political and civil dialogue involving even the armed forces outside the Juba Agreement reorganize and build a new front of action, assembly or bloc of different forces, Or any formula that people agree on, based on the objectives, slogans and demands of the December Revolution, It unites the vision around the demands and mechanisms of stopping war and addressing its effects, and believes in the unity of the Sudan, The demands of that unit and the submission of a project for national recovery from the social consequences of this war, Not only is it urgent, but its inevitable. Considering the countrys many risks in the event that war continues;
- The dangers of prolonged civil war and total insecurity.
- The countrys disintegration into independent governments.
- The dangers of slipping a bloody, closed and anti-world rule, more bloodily than the rescue system.

• Dealing with the war catastrophe and the reality it imposed is the same mind as before, will not lead to significant damage to the political movement and civilian forces, and it needs a conscious mind to the slide the country has fallen into. and the extremely complex situation that will follow its cessation, a massive battle to rebuild the State and its institutions, which have collapsed, destroyed and ceased to operate and the battle of a citizen who needs to rebuild his life again in extremely complex and unfavourable circumstances, having been systematically impoverished through looting and looting that has deprived him of everything he owns, other than the dilemmas of justice, prosecution of offenders and reparations to those affected.

• We will face two huge battles after the war. and its catastrophic effects, the battle for the full reestablishment of the State and the protection of its contract from indiscriminacy unqualified , two battles that are not highly qualified to be carried out individually and whose perceptions have reached their capacities, Without attribution and popular circumvention, we will not be able to confront them contrary to the fragmentation and confrontation of todays prevailing political and civil forces, The homeland is above and beyond, and this is the call of time for the homeland, the time for the collective advancement of its recovery from the clutches of war, the dark forces.

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