
Janoub Alhizam Emergency warns of Bashaer Hospital going out of service

The Janoub Alhizam Emergency Room has warned of the looming threat of Bashaer Hospital going out of service due to the interruption of medical supplies and the withdrawal of its medical staff, including Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), which is responsible for the hospitals surgery department. This would further increase the suffering of the citizens, who are already facing the risk of injury and death from all directions.

In a statement issued today, the Emergency Room called on the responsible authorities to unblock the medical supplies destined for Bashaer Hospital and to create a safe pathway for their delivery, in order to save more lives and provide treatment for the injured and sick.

The statement noted that the suspension of the hospitals surgery department, which serves the South Khartoum area, would mean that civilians are at risk of death due to complications from injuries or lack of immediate medical intervention.

The Janoub Alhizam Emergency Room appealed to relevant parties and those concerned with saving civilian lives to facilitate the procedures for the entry of medical supplies from Wad Madani to Khartoum and to release them as quickly as possible to ensure the continuous operation of Bashaer Hospital.

MSF announced on Sunday that it had suspended life-saving surgical activities at Bashaer Teaching Hospital in South Khartoum, Sudan, including trauma surgery and caesarean sections, after the military authorities caused the depletion of surgical supplies by blocking their transfer from Wad Madani for over a month.

The organization said in a statement that it would temporarily withdraw its surgical team but would continue to support maternity care, emergency care, and outpatient clinics at Bashaer Teaching Hospital. It would also continue to provide medical care and support in three other major hospitals in Khartoum and Omdurman, noting that supplies from some of these hospitals are also running out. It predicted that the surgical supplies at the Turkish Hospital in South Khartoum would run out within two weeks.

Shahr Magid, an MSF surgeon who provides guidance to the hospitals team, said: It is devastating to stop supporting life-saving surgical care at Bashaer Hospital. He added, Since mid-May, the hospitals emergency room has received nearly 5,000 patients, and the MSF surgical team has performed over 3,000 surgeries. The needs are huge. Preventing medicines and materials needed for surgery deprives people of the healthcare they desperately need.

The organization confirmed that it would continue to discuss this urgent matter with all relevant authorities to enable the delivery of supplies, and announced its readiness to resume its surgical activities once the supply lines are restored.

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