
Gender, Peace and Security

Civil Education Brochure on Peace, the Constitution and Elections
Counter: Road Center
Translated by moatinoon

The effects of conflict and insecurity on women and men vary. Peoples behaviour is also influenced by their social, cultural and political context, which can enhance the expected roles of women, men and minorities between the sexes. When these latent qualitative rules give rise to negative attitudes and behaviours, they can be a driver of conflict and an obstacle to peace. Unless violent or negative gender norms are identified, challenged and transformed, there will be little sustainable change in other areas of gender, peace and security.

The Security Council mandated the Department of Peacekeeping Operations to implement the Councils resolutions on women, peace and security in all peacekeeping. Security Council resolution 1325 (2000) was the first resolution to recognize the unequal and unique impact of armed conflict on women and girls. It also recognized womens and girls contributions to conflict prevention, peacekeeping, conflict resolution and peacebuilding. He also noted the importance of their effective and equal participation as agents of peace and security.

Security Council resolution 1325 of 31 October 2000 is one of the most important international resolutions on the recognition of womens role in the manufacture of international poison and security, a document of 18 points focusing on four cross-cutting axes:

1. Preventing women from being affected by conflicts by the amendment of discriminatory laws, the development of early warning systems, public education and the prosecution of violators of womens rights.
2. Protection of women during and after disputes, through the reduction of violence against women in local communities, parties to conflict or parties to conflict resolution.
3. Womens participation in the adoption of various conflict-related resolutions, such as the States peace and war policies, peacemaking negotiations and transitional justice.
4. Supporting womens role in relief, economic recovery and reconstruction operations.
Resolution 1325 recognizes the dimensions of sexual differences and the roles played by men and women in the protection of human rights in conflicts and beyond. All parties involved in the armed conflict call for the protection of women and girls in particular and for action to prevent sexual violence. These procedures include international safeguarding of womens human rights, protection of women, children from sexual abuse and sexual violence, waiver of immunity from sexual intercourse in crimes of genocide, violent and violent crime.

Security Council resolution 1325 focuses on the need to lift immunity for sexual violence and rape, especially when Governments and their armed forces and civilian police officers are held accountable. The resolution also emphasizes the recognition that womens and girls protection needs change during the transition from conflict to post-conflict.

The resolution aims to develop a new vision that is consistent with womens perspectives in periods before and during conflict and its end; To ensure that women are able to contribute to conflict resolution, to prevent violence against women and girls, to prosecute its perpetrators and to ensure that women contribute to and benefit from the formulation of reconstruction and peacebuilding initiatives.

National Plan for the Implementation of Resolution 1325

The plan aims at amending laws, leading to equality, preventing violence against women and contributing to increased participation in reconstruction processes. It also includes attention to changing the male culture that has marginalized womens role in decision-making processes and the active contribution to peace. It also includes attention to the provision of different health services, particularly during disputes, for those affected by multiple types of physical and psychological violence. The Plan also stressed the importance of the development and reconstruction of war-affected areas and womens economic empowerment to play an essential role in the productive process and the achievement of social justice.

The plan aims to urge the Government and people of the Sudan to adhere to United Nations resolutions by setting a number of goals, activities and indicators, an agenda to fulfil that agenda and a commitment to achieving the strategic objectives for the period 2020-2022.

Detailed objectives of the National Plan for the Implementation of Resolution 1325
The plan seeks to ensure that the previous objectives are achieved through the following four axes:
1. Participation: Ensuring womens active participation in the political and legislative process and in all State and peacebuilding bodies, at the centre and state levels, in order to reach decision-making positions.
Promote womens participation in the formulation of policies, programmes and plans to achieve sustainable development goals.
2. Prevention: Development of gender-sensitive policies and implementation of resolution 1325.
Enact and amend national laws and legislation that take into account womens rights and empowerment and are consistent with international and regional conventions, resolutions and declarations.
Create a societal responsibility for combating violence against women and girls.
3. Protection: Ensure the adoption and enforcement of national laws that follow international standards for the protection of women and girls.
Ensure womens and girls access to services that enhance their dignity and psychological resilience.
Affirm womens and girls access to justice systems that enhance their dignity and psychological resilience.
Ensure integrated rehabilitation services for survivors of violence.
Integrate mental and reproductive health into primary health care.
Promote integrated and socially centred health services.
4. Relief and reconstruction: Design and implementation of relief and reconstruction planning programmes involving women and girls, focusing on vulnerable groups in conflict areas.
Ensuring gender sensitive DDR programmes.

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