
Political awareness and its importance for the development of the democratic process

By: D. Kuwaits Mohammed Issa

According to some definitions, the political awareness of citizens and society is the view of man towards his surroundings and how he reads it and the political knowledge, values and attitudes that include this view that allow man to realize and analyze the conditions of his society. It is judged and determined by its position, which prompts it to work towards changing, developing and maintaining them and maintaining the best developed conditions in which they serve a particular interest. Based on this definition, political awareness encompasses four main determinants:

A comprehensive vision of the national and global political, social, economic and cultural environment.
Recognition of local, regional and global internal realities.
A sense of responsibility, the essence of which is the commitment to positive social values, patriotism and humanity.
The desire for change while retaining national, social and value perspectives.

Political consciousness emanates from the thought and thought of a particular culture that establishes a political consciousness that prevails in society or in groups thereof. Culture is the product or expression of a range of different political ideas, values, forms and structures. The existence or lack of political awareness is a direct result of this cultures existence and the kind of ideas and values it contains. Culture is the tool for creating and guiding political awareness. Mans understanding of what is about him and others and his knowledge of himself, his reality, his potential and what he wants to achieve is evolving, a cumulative process that continues with the citizen and not a temporary phase.

Political awareness can take different forms: there is individual awareness and there is a collective awareness of a particular group such as workers, businessmen or landowners. This collective awareness generates trends based on certain interests and values in addition to the general culture in society that frame this awareness, and this is different from the abstract theoretical consciousness derived from insight, which produces a political culture. There is a practical awareness practised in shaping the common interests of a particular intellectual group, which may become a common ideology of a group, when that group becomes frozen and hardened and not subject to the realities of interests, dialogue and the need to negotiate and compromise, and may take the nature of militancy, commitment and even violence as a way of mainstreaming its thinking and rejecting the other.

Political awareness is also influenced by an individuals personal experiences and may identify trends or transition from a collective political consciousness to another collective political consciousness. Awareness of ignorance, poverty and need is also affected.

We often talk locally about political awareness and its importance to parliamentary life, political action and the good choice of MP, but what do we mean by political consciousness? Do we agree on a specific meaning?

Our political awareness can be citizens awareness of the importance of political participation in decision-making, and can mean the importance of citizens having an opinion on public issues and public opinion. The majority of peoples participation in elections, non-doctrine or subordination can be imposed on anyone. All these cases show a certain level of political consciousness. But is that a mechanism for influencing and continuing to pursue cases? We find that in Bahrain we are often preoccupied with an important issue, but only for a fixed period you soon forget and find another issue that society is preoccupied with to replace with a third issue after a while. This disperses effort and results rarely when public opinion is united on a particular issue, as in amendments to the Retirement Act. This means that political consciousness needs to be organized according to interests that translate each groups awareness of itself and how its interests are defined and perceived. Failure to do so indicates societys vulnerability and lack of effective institutions that crystallize the collective awareness of a particular group or the collective awareness of society as a whole.

In conclusion, political consciousness is more than a political culture or mere participation or the formation of opinion, dialogue and preoccupation with societys issues. Political consciousness is that man feels he belongs to a group that shares his interest. For example, when workers feel that they are a societal group with well-known and specific interests, that group possesses adequate organization, participation in the objective and the claim and possession of influence tools so that it is able to defend these interests over a long, continuous and urgent period, during which they are not preoccupied with emergency events. This category possesses influential political consciousness, viability, manoeuvre and negotiating power to achieve its interests.

This means that society is organized according to these sometimes conflicting and sometimes consistent interests. For example, there are the category of businessmen, traders and the aristocracy of landowners, there are the interests of the financial sector, and there are retirees and unemployed. The more these groups realize that defending their own interests requires organizing themselves, the more political consciousness in society and the more vibrant and capable society can be of political participation within the framework of the Charter and the Constitution. If the organization of society according to sectarian or ethnic affiliation or any kind of associative organization, this indicates that there is some imbalance in the political system, people feel the need to cluster to protect themselves, their thought or beliefs, and society becomes fragmented and unable to develop.

It is therefore in the States interest to promote and develop the environment that helps society to operate in accordance with material and moral interests that can be dealt with with with with every comfort, clarity, transparency and openness, and to enact legislation to stimulate and physically assist these organizations to play their role in political, professional or functional blocs that contribute to parliamentary action. as well as belief in its necessity to develop the democratic process and the success of His Majestys reform project. This contributes to societys protection from intolerant and destructive ideologies.

Political Awareness Change Elections Political Analysis
What do we mean by political consciousness? What are the requirements for half a persons awareness? Is it determined by our knowledge of analysing political realities locally, Arabically and regionally?, Or is it a general understanding of the political climate and its intrinsic or even extraterritorial attractions and schemes, given the global interdependence of events that interact constantly with each other, to have effects from local to neighbouring States close to or far away.

We can say that political consciousness is shaped by proper thinking of political reality. It is interconnected with the popular movement of electing and running for election, holding demonstrations and identifying demands that must be away from false consciousness in order to achieve their firm effectiveness in bringing about optimal change, for the benefit of societies that must be self-conscious, in order to contribute effectively to positive participants for the benefit of the nation and its future.

Analytical opinions differed to detail the concept of this consciousness, which confirms that Hegel is the Lord who lies behind the growing awareness of the general total, while Marx points out that the main driver of the mind is the political economy, which is the basis for societal revolts and uprisings due to mismanagement of public funds or administration.
If we want to analyze our domestic political reality, after years of political change in Iraq, we will discover part of the system of false consciousness, which has created a major rift in the relationship between the two political and community and citizen and political consciousness, which has produced a kind of foreseeable and hidden intrusion, at several levels that have impacted quite negatively on the level of multiple trends in the details of society.

This relationship and the resulting imbalance in the system of political values and trends have been identified, creating a kind of disconnect between the levels of right and wrong consciousness. Multiple concepts have faded that could have rebalanced active and viable segments of society to bring about real change, without losing the element of trust that achieves certain levels of success.

If the idea of making change is to be based on a comprehensive view of events, a sense of responsibility and a conscious understanding of the need for action based on the right foundations, this is based on getting rid of The wrong consciousness, because the overlapping levels of consciousness will make some of these determinants fade away to make the cycle incomplete, falling short of the required levels of consciousness, and here we return to the starting point, wasting many opportunities with which they would have done their positive act of real change.

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